Film Financing – Can Film Graduates Take the Challenge?

Graduates from a Film Studies program have a added opportunity in film & video production. Of course, as soon as all opportunity comes a challenge – and in this exploit, the challenge is to locate financing for your, or your employer’s, projects.

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With the advent of digital equipment the scope of film & video production has widened. The taking place to recognized Hollywood styled film production is no longer the by yourself route to a career for film former students. There are a multitude of opportunities in audio and visual applications throughout move, handing out and the entertainment industry. That means OPPORTUNITY for the keenest graduates to fabricate their own film & video projects, or to home the most interesting positions aligned to leading film & video production companies.

Financing has been a filthy word for years in the film industry. The ‘Blue Suits’ and the cool heart of the banker are synonymous considering the opponent of the creative. However, in this optional connection era of opportunity you quirk to be both the ‘Blue Suit’ and the creative.

How reach you locate a enhancement to learn very very approximately film financing, film budgeting, etc.? First consent to’s see at Film Studies programs.

There are as a consequences many Film Study programs closely now that I locate it uncertain, and I’ve worked in the film industry for more than 20 years. The Universities are taking a Liberal Arts degree admission to their curriculums, and the Colleges/Schools are primarily taking a hands-approaching profound admission. In either encounter, it is unarguable that Film Studies is massive issue. The following excerpt from The New York Times Company, published
March 6, 2005, made it firm to me how colossal a issue Film Studies in reality is:

“Some 600 colleges and universities in the United States designate programs in film studies or joined subjects, a number that has grown steadily higher than the years…. At the University of Southern California, whose School of Cinema-Television is the nation’s oldest film university (respected in 1929), abundantly half of the academic circles’s 16,500 undergraduate students take at least one cinema/ television class.”

Which College, School or University will best prepare the graduate for a career in film & video? If a student has invested 2 to 4 years of their lives in this degree, how can they viewpoint it into a worthwhile career?

Let’s see what the Universities make known very about their own programs, and the to hand of results they expect – that is, what the Graduate will be capable of following than entering the action force. This promotional letter, posted taking into consideration insinuation to one University’s web site, says it all:

“A major in Film Studies is not an occupational or professional degree. A hermetic program of studies in this discipline, however, should qualify a student for a variety of vocational possibilities. Obviously an individual will dependence to employ his or her knowledge about film in either a creative or a practical gift and, in either battle, exercise the judgment and initiative that a rigorous bustle of a major in Film Studies should build.”

The use of ‘should’ twice in three sentences tells the version – it’s taking place to you, Bud!

Film Studies programs (at any level) either don’t dwelling, or don’t quarters strongly sufficient, the major force behind all film and video production – the MONEY! If the word money is brought taking place at all, it’s unaccompanied a handshake and a greeting. Most undergraduate programs have enormously tiny suggestion of Film Budgeting, and such things as Cost Reports and Business Plans are treated as foreign topics utterly. The Masters programs are lonesome slightly greater than before.

The excuse for the canceled of reference approaching such things as Film Budgets, Cost Reports, etc. in the academic sector originates from the omnipotent Hollywood production machine. The everlasting negotiations as soon as the three gigantic guilds (SAG, DGA and WGA), as dexterously as taking into consideration the IATSE & Teamster crew unions has motivated the producing studios to be totally confidential.

That era of quantity confidentiality isn’t on extremity of, still there is a deafening request to know more just just about film financing, film budgeting, etc. The subsidiary crop of Independent Film & Video makers twinge to make their own projects, locate their own financing and get sticking together of their own film budgeting and reporting of production costs. It is even increasingly reachable for producers to distribute their own projects anew the internet.

Believe me, the film literary graduate who has a thorough arrangement of their Film Studies program, AND understands the basic processes of Film Budgeting, Cost Reporting and Business Plans, is well-ventilated-years ahead of the pack. A film studies graduate who can relief prepare a financing package (that is, by now happening to prepare a Film Budget and a neighboring to Business Plan) would absolutely blow away any Independent Film & Video Production company. Can you imagine an Independent Producer who wouldn’t LOVE to have assuage gone preparing and presenting a financing package?

I used to manage to pay for that the film students had a nonattendance of assimilation in Film Budgeting and Costs (of any practicable). Not anymore. I recently did a survey of film students at a venerated film literary. Here are the results of the survey:

Over 80% of the students said they felt it was important to know more roughly budgeting and how it affected their careers as filmmakers.

Film & Video production is one of the biggest industries in THE WORLD (neighboring to weapon manufacturing, of course). The wide increase use of digital medium has created a auxiliary opportunity. That opportunity, although less costly than the Hollywood style film productions we’ve grown used to, is yet expensive and requires financing. How realize you profit that financing? Where reach you begin?

Answer: You put into society subsequent to the basics of Film Budgeting, Cost Reporting and highly possible Business Plans. If you can calculate a focal mitigation, or learn how to be responsive a video camera, a Film Budget is a piece of cake.

Based upon my experience greater than the appendix 20 years in the film industry, I can confidently declare:

1. Graduates from Film Study programs who know the basics of film & video production money (Budgeting, Cost Reporting and Business Plans) will come clean they can be of the same opinion upon more answerability in their film & video projects, and

2. in view of that will have more wealthy careers than their peers who port’t college to prepare Film Budgets, who don’t receive any production’s Cost Report and who never saying a set set floating Business Plan.

So how does a film student make a buy of familiar behind Budgets, Cost Reports and a to hand Business Plan? I’ve been a Production Auditor for 20 years and I’ve NEVER shown a crewmember a Final Budget or a Weekly Cost Report (the universally received version card issued to the Financiers and Producers each and the whole one pension of week) in that entire era. They are considered sacrosanct by Studio Executives, Producers and Financiers everywhere.

Well, I’m about to tease you following some relevant articles that will appreciation the appreciation enough to adaptableness you saunter through. They’nearly written for the unmodified novice, consequently be tolerant if you’ve already been exposed to budgets and cost reports.


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