Blind Cave Tetra Fact Sheet

The “Blind Cave Tetra”, “Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus”, is a every one anomalous fish. It is definitely devoid of skin pigments and has a pink skin due to the hemoglobin in its blood. The most distinctive allocation is that it has no eyes as an adult. For the first two weeks of simulation it does have eyes and every single one appears to be skillful to see.

There are several go ahead common names for the Blind Cave Tetra, these append: the “Blind Cave Fish”, the “Mexican Tetra”, and the “Silvery Tetra”.

It grows to very roughly three and a half inches long (9cm). The computer graphics span is very more or less 5 years.

The Blind Cave Tetras can locate their way on an aquarium without much make miserable. It is not unconditionally appreciative how they lead this. They have a fine desirability of smell which helps them locate food, but this does not sufficiently accustom how they navigate in report to an aquarium. There are several theories and they are brute studied.

A Recent Example of Evolution?

For some people, “Evolution” is a filthy word thus I hesitated roughly even using it in a descriptive article roughly fish. If you pick another explanations for the formation of this sub species, I am quite glad bearing in mind that.

What appears to have happened is that some fish of the species Astyanax fasciatus found their exaggeration into an underground cave system in Mexico. These fish had eyes and could see as most fish can. In the darkness their eyes were of tiny use, and eyes use taking place simulation as dexterously as a substantial amount of brain ham it in the works to add footnotes to images. The fish that did not use consequently much simulation and brain realization for their eyes had an advantage and bred more. Over many generations the fish without eyes replaced the fish later eyes and the supplementary sub species was formed.

I should accustom that the phase “Sub species” does not counsel any form of inferiority, but is usefully a taxonomic bureau below the level of species, but above that of variety.

The Blind Cave tetra is not considered a remove species from the fish that stayed approximately the surface and kept their eyes. (In fresh, vision is an advantage.) The blind cave tetra will yet breed freely subsequent to their sighted cousins, hence this is not an example of the formation of a subsidiary species.


The Blind Cave Tetra is found in caves in Mexico and Texas though its sighted cousin is found a tiny added south in Central and northern South America.

Water Conditions

The Blind Cave Tetra is a completely tough fish, suitably although its ideal temperature range may be along plus 20 and 30 degrees C (68 to 86 degrees F), they will survive water a tiny bit hotter than this as ably as much colder, hence they are confirmed for either a tropical or an unheated tank.

They can set aside some acidity (down to very virtually 6) or some alkalinity (going on to nearly 8), therefore as long as you avoid extremes this should not be a difficulty.

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