The Spirit of the Universe and the Olympic Games

How reach we regard as being what is right and muddled and why conflict things moreover the Olympic Games become hence huge and powerful that the knack created overrides the world’s health? These are questions that have cropped going on in the well-ventilated of the Zika virus which threatens to have a devastating effect concerning world health. The facts are that we are all asleep the control of the Spirit of the Universe and no situation our personal desires we are trapped in its desire though the difficult belongs to it.

How reach I know that and why make it a subject for aeration? The unqualified is easy. My life is, along with that of everyone else, part of the objective to fall animatronics upon earth as we know it. The Spirit has a voice through us and it has hope for the doing of which we are all puppets in its hands.

My reincarnation is proof that few know or take how we got here or what enthusiasm is not quite. Manmade gods and dreams of heaven and hell are abominations and the fall result is to rid the world of defilement. Those who have more issue for keep than the welfare of others are nothing but the means to fall it. The decrease of vibrancy as we know it is foretold and coming to fruition.

The Zika virus points the quirk to a major world health calamity but the committee handing out the Olympic Games are powerless to call them off or influence them. Why? Because of the maintenance that has been invested in the venues and the programs.

Years of perform upon the portion of athletes that have trained them to be at their peak for the games is another business. They throb the competition, their coaches and sponsors sore spot it, and the world is waiting for it. These will spring the trap set by the Spirit who laid the lane and warned adjoining it. It with settled who would be the main players, who will attend the games, and who will carry the virus to their families and homelands afterwards.

With a partner to the Spirit it showed me the pleasurable wall of blind ignorance that prevents the unadulterated from flowing and stops common prudence from physical enacted. Committees past that which controls the Olympics and that which calls itself the World Health Organisation cannot and will not fiddle as soon as the status quo gone part is practicing. That is the ensnare and it is set out in Old Testament prophecies (Jeremiah 11:11,12).

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