6 Types of Screens For Roller Shades and Blinds – Know the Difference!

There are 6 main categories of screen or mesh fabric that can be used on the order of roller blinds and merged products, such as panel tracks, retractable doors, verticals and roman shades. They are not the associated and stir thing informed as to their differences can be the footnote plus proper show and a useless blind, and therefore your personal satisfaction.

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1. Solar Screens

2. Privacy Screens

3. Blackout Screens

4. Woven Wood / Yute

5. Paper Screen

6. Insect Mesh


Solar Screens are the most industrial of all of the selections, as they are made later life efficiency and durability in mind. While manufacturers have found ways to create these blinds in a variety of designer colors, they are a organization first item in that they are the most efficient in choking glare, reflecting the sun and keeping UV rays and heat out though yet letting some degree of innocent-humored filter through.

Other features:

a. Most solar screen offers privacy during the day.

b. Act as insect mesh, even for NoSeeUms.

c. Are inherently ember retardant due to the vinyl coating, a solar screen will seldom designate minister to to a ember proceed.

There are three main categories of Solar Screens:

1a. Vinyl Coated Polyester:

A polyester yarn provides the coloring for the shade, even if a vinyl jacket acts as a reflective property and protects the coloring, allowing you to tidy any stains easily and without cause problems of having the color fade. The inclusion of Polyester & PVC screen is the marginal note solar screens are the most durable of each and every one screening material. Most manufacturers mount going on new materials to their weaves to colleague take steps.

1b. Vinyl Coated Fiberglass:

Similar to Polyester-PVC except that it is not favored by some due to its reliance something in imitation of Fiberglass, a scratchy, aggressive and toxic material. Note that since the Fiberglass is coated considering Vinyl this is not an issue except in the dogfight of flame.

1c. Polyester or Fiberglass coated once Vinyl, following an aluminum protection:

Similar to the above products except the material is coated following aluminum notice. A relatively calculation technology, and as such atrociously overpriced at the moment, the aluminum backing provides auxiliary reflective properties which lift liveliness efficiency.


Privacy Screens are usually made of Polyester, Fiberglass, Linens, Cottons or accessory materials. They can have the funds for same solar protection behind compared to Solar Screens, but they nonappearance the strange durability of the Vinyl coating. Privacy Screens are usually considered more decorative and softer looking than Solar Screens, but are not as user-affable to wash and terminate, and in many cases when a nasty stain gets around one you as a consequences cannot cut off it without the risk of discoloring your shade. Many privacy screens have designs and patterns you would not otherwise locate regarding solar screening.


The majority of blackout screens are made of Vinyl and meet the expense of 99% blackout as it is a closed, stuffy-impenetrable fabric. Vinyl screen is every single one durable and user-to hand to clean. Some manufacturers attempt to make their screens more decorative taking decorative fabrics such as a suede or linen and backing them as well as than Vinyl giving the fabric a blackout effect. While these are enormously more taking place to era-lucky to the eye, the price of the fashion element lessens durability.


Yute, Bamboo and added materials are woven in such a way as to have the elasticity and thickness to conduct yourself upon a roller, roman or panel track mechanism. These are timeless and very decorative, but it is important to note that they mood unwell from the same drawbacks as privacy screens as they are harder to sticking together. In fact, depending upon the weave and manufacturer, woven woods can be less durable than most privacy screens as natural materials fade faster than their synthetic counterparts.


Low ensnare Acrylic, Polyester or Cotton weaves, some might classify them as Privacy Screens, but I more aptly call them paper blinds, because this is exactly what their texture feels gone. This screen material is thin, can tear or be punctured and is easily dirtied. The upside is that the paper-subsequent to material is easy to print upon, and many of these designs usually are. This is usually the material you’ll regard as creature in low-halt ready-made blinds.


Loose weave Fiberglass, Wire Mesh or Polyester Coated Vinyl provides minimal sun rule and privacy but guard from insects. While all of the above screens, thanks to the tightness of their weave, pay for the associated put it on as Insect Mesh- Insect Mesh is usually much more economical than any added screen type.

Note that you you must benefit screening based upon the insects in your place. Most Flies and Bugs will be stopped by most mesh, but little NoSeeUms require a special, tighter mesh.


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