Fiberglass Filler – What is it and Why Use it on Auto Body Repairs?

What Is Fiberglass?

Raw fiberglass come in a soft fabric subsequently material. When saturated by now liquid resin and harder, it becomes hard and definitely solid. There are not too many fiberglass auto parts on futuristic hours of daylight cars, as they have every started using added composites behind SMC and Carbon Fiber. However, fiberglass was harshly further on model corvettes, truck hoods, and many association parts. There are yet aftermarket parts that are manufactured from fiberglass and it still used for boats and blimp skis.

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The Difference Between Fiberglass and Fiberglass Filler

Fiberglass filler comes in a can and is contaminated subsequent to a cream hardener. It mixes a lot in imitation of regular body filler, but it is thicker and a little harder to merger. The filler actually has fiberglass infected in it. It comes hasty hair and long hair. This is beside the fiberglass that is impure in the filler. Both present excellent waterproof properties as they get your hands on not take possession of water. Both fiberglass fillers are stronger than regular body filler. The long hair filler provides the most strength out of the two. However, these fillers are definitely hard to sand. The filler is plus thick, which makes it hard to level and serene once regular body filler.

Why Use Fiberglass Filler If It’s So Difficult To Sand

The defense we use fiberglass filler in auto body repair is not really the relationship strength, but for the waterproof properties. It is recommended to apply a skinny complement of fiberglass filler on zenith of any welding that is performed. Body filler absorbs moister, which will leads to corrosion and rust. By using the fiberglass, we eliminate the moister absorption disconcert. Since our main intention is to seal the welded place, the curt hair fiberglass is ample for the application.

What Can Fiberglass Filler Be Used On

This filler can be used cold than bare metal or fiberglass.

Finishing The Repair

As I mentioned, fiberglass does not sand adeptly. That is why I make aware isolated applying a little amount to the welded areas and rough sanding it. After this is finished, you can apply body filler in the region of the peak of the fiberglass filler and finish the repair as you normally would using body filler.


You should always wear proper protective equipment as soon as sanding any filler. However, extreme deterrent should be taken bearing in mind sanding fiberglass products. It not unaccompanied itches and make pained your skin, but it is unconditionally unhealthy to breathed the fiberglass. Be deferential to wear an qualified dust respiration, belt, eye guidance, and you may even tormented feeling to wear a disposable paint conflict. If some of the fiberglass does acquire in relation to your skin, taking office a cool shower. This will benefit save your pores small and permit the fiberglass to wash off.




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