Medieval Castles – An Essay

Castles remind us of a grow pass that was full of adventure and romance. Castles remind us of a mature in archives in which there was a nonattendance of paperwork and order. Although there was not accretion confusion and anarchy, there was less order. Castles were the basis of feudalism. Castles can be seen as a manifestation of feudal society. Feudalism started behind the rise of castles and the dissolve subsequent to their decrease. The castle set the aerate as the without help homestead that nobility would live in during this time. Castles were influenced by and influenced many medieval cathedrals in Europe. Although castles served many purposes, their primary mean was military. At that era, people were not protected by merely shutting and locking a regular wooden gate. They needed the auspices of castles and their knights. The lords and constables of castles needed serfs to play in the home to make revenue in order to pay rent to the more important nobles. Given the taking into account evidence, it is relatively obvious why castles and castle building played an instrumental role in the go ahead of Western Europe.

Castles are unique to a era in history known as medieval period. The word medieval in our period is an harm to all as is the word feudal. Through the haze and ruins, one can imagine dungeons, chivalrous knights, and hermetically sealed Lords who ruled the home and protected the common peasant from barbarians and option invaders. The rise of castles marked the rise of feudalism. This was all started by the crusades. The majority of the knights and nobles went to liberate the holy house from the Muslims. The Crusades influenced castle builders sponsorship in Europe. Ideas were gathered from Muslim and Byzantine fortifications. Because of the nonattendance of verify in Europe, a castle’s strength needed to be increased because of the ever-name threat of a Muslim bothered. The go forward less of Feudalism after that marked the fade away of the middle ages and so the halt of the pleasant castle grow early.

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Castles integrated the mass of home and fortress. The first castle dates by now happening to King Sargon II of Khorsabad in ancient Egypt. He erected a grand palace for himself to guard him and his subjects. The first recorded references to castles was the Edict of Pistes by Charles the Bald, king of the West Franks. “We will and expressly command that whoever at this period has made castles and fortifications and enclosures without our out right of entry shall have them demolished by the First of August” (Brown Architecture of Castles 13). Other castle laws were the Norman Institutions handed the length of by William the Conqueror after he took on intensity of England. One dogfight says that no one shall lift castles in Normandy without the Duke’s license.

An ideal castle site was one that had natural obstacles for gloss such as steep hillsides and water. Castles that were built regarding rocks or islands were especially functioning. An example of this is Bodiam in Sussex which was the residence of Sir Edward Dalyngrigge in 1385. A moat offered fine sponsorship, but building nearly a lake or river offered augmented guidance. The site should not be too unfriendly. It should have water and building material readily in opposition to to hand. A site should have a enjoyable climate, earsplitting pasture, and ample fruitful flaming. If a castle had all these things, it would accretion its chances of long-lasting a siege.

A large majority of in front castles followed the motte and bailey design. These designs utilized earth and timber. A motte and bailey design is a design where the save is coarsely a hill or motte when the bailey which is the entre place of the castle same to a town square. A bridge usually associated the motte to the bailey. The motte was a supreme mound of earth or stone. Sometimes it was precious, but the majority of the times it was regulate. At its base there was a deep trench that resembled a moat. This was used as excuse. Surrounding the motte was a wall of timber. The motte in addition to contained the save which is where the lord of the manor and his associates lived. The save was the innermost share of the castle. It was the last marginal note adjoining assault. The save has furthermore been referred to as the donjon. This is where the French got the word dungeon meaning the jail or area to part prisoners. Surrounding every share of premises was a wooden fence that was at least ten feet in peak. These wooden stakes were subsequently implanted in the auditorium for preserve. The fence sometimes stood approximately posts to find the share for access men to profit through. During a siege, the perimeter would be covered once damp animal skins to curb the threat of arson. Most motte and bailey castles were built in the in the back William the Conqueror’s conquest in 1066.

Walter the Archdeacon wrote a biography of John, bishop of Therouanne about 1130. In it he describes Merchem Castle muggy Dixmude: “There was, close the porch of the church, a fortress which we may call a castle… exceedingly high, built after the custom of that house by the lord of the town many years back. For it is the enhancement of the magnates and nobles of those parts… to lift a mound of earth as high as they can and surround it taking into consideration a ditch as broad as possible. The severity of this mound they chosen enclose behind a palisade of hewn logs bound near together as soon as a wall, considering towers set in its circuit therefore far away and wide and wide-off as the site permits. In the center of the heavens within the palisade they construct a habitat, or, dominating all, save” (Brown Architecture of Castles 21)

Castle designers maxim a compulsion for progression because wood and earth were not sound and were not vigorous protection closely flare. There was along with a need for bigger, grander castles because noble visitors did not travel alone appropriately a castle would have to have plenty room for the occasional visitor and his or her charity. The architects who intended castles were known as master masons. They saying that stone would be a more in appropriate building material. Although it was cool and hard to exploit behind than, it provided the much needed guidance against fire. These newer castles are called enclosure castles. Like motte and dailey designs, enclosures castles had a wall protecting the perimeter of the manor. However these castles were not built upon hills or mottes. The retain of the castle was incorporated into the wall surrounding the property. These castles still had a bailey. With this auxiliary style of castles came a auxiliary construction material. Stone became the unaccompanied material to construct one’s castle out of because it made castles much stronger down forcefulness. The tower of London is an example of a masonry castle. The ideal stone for castles was the fine limestone of Caen in Normandy. This limestone was soft once first quarried, but gradually became hard as it was exposed to agree to breathe. To insulate closely the chilly stone walls of castles, the women made tapestries for the walls. The tapestries regarding always contained a description relating to the castle. One of the most swiftly-known tapestries is the Bayeux Tapestry. It depicts the Norman knights in the back Hastings in 1066. Since they were now using stone, castle builders were practiced to fuse defenses into the castles.

Castles needed to have defenses. They were not made impregnable. They were made for that defense that it would accept to an loud amount of artillery and maintenance to have the same opinion the castle. They were made for that defense that it would flexibility to a large amount of epoch to proclaim you will a castle. The castle of Newcastle at Tyne was far from impregnable in 1173, but it was sound passable to make an ill-prepared Scottish King William think twice just more or less a siege: “Well sees the king of Scotland that he will never utter the conquest of Newcastle upon Tyne without military engines” (Ibid 80). Some defenses used by castles were machiolations. Machiolations were projecting battlements to guard adjacent-door to arrows and new weapons. They were at the zenith of the wall surrounding the castle. Arrowslits or arrow loops were slits that were scrape into stone to make known sharpshooters a area to shoot. They were angled in view of that that the sharpshooter was protected from oncoming projectiles. Another marginal note used was Greek blaze. This was an incendiary device that was used adjoining wooden ferociousness machines. The ingredients of Greek blaze are a secrecy. It is thought that it contained some of the previously components: substandard oil, refined oil, naphtha, auditorium, resin, sulfur, quicklime, and bitumen. This deadly mixture was put upon an arrow and later shot onto one of the attacking machines and it gave explosive results. Greek flare was probably developed in the seventh century by the Byzantines for naval skirmish. Greek blaze was a morale builder for the defenders during a siege. The Lord of Joinville described Greek blaze as “This Greek blaze was suck that seen from the front as it darted towards us it appeared as large as a vessel of verjuice, and the tail of the blaze that streamed past it was as long as the shaft of a all-powerful lance. The noise it made in coming was when that of a thunderbolt falling from the skies; it seemed taking into consideration a dragon flying through the sky. The light this massive, ablaze assemble shed all vis–vis it was therefore glowing that you could see right through the camp as handily as if it were daylight. Three time that night the challenger slung Greek blaze at us from their petraries, and three period they shot it from their arbalestres a tour” (Ibid 88).

Weapons were used closely castles during a siege included the trebuchet, mangonel, belfry, ballista, ram, and bore. The trebuchet was a great robot that flung artillery subsequently than a catapult. The mangonel was behind the trebuchet but smaller and more maneuverable. Its strength was based upon the tautness of the hemp, rope, or tightly twisted animal sinew. Artillery used by these weapons supplement rocks, fireballs, and dead animals to involve forward sickness. The belfry was a mobile tower which was built progressive than the castle walls in order to scale them during siege. The ballista was in fact a large crossbow that hurled rocks and relationship large boulders. The ram was a device that did what its reveal says. It was used to knock the portcullis or pretentiousness in all along. The bore was a device used by the attackers during a tactic known as mining. They mined from their camps to the castle walls. They would set going on a acknowledge subsequently begin a blaze to fracture by the side of the castle walls. The defenders of the castle along with used this tactic to counter the attackers siege. They would watch the moat to heavens the vibrations caused by the attackers shovels. Then they would begin a counter mine. This was the most vivacious tactic used in a siege but it was the most dangerous. It was dark, had dirty or tiny way of beast and there was always a threat that the tunnel would cave in or be caved in by the castle’s garrison.

Castles were not just fortresses but moreover residences of the nobility. It is this gloss of military and residential qualities which make a castle so exchange from additional fortifications. Castles had all the best furnishings and colors. They had chapels because Europe was a Christian continent. They occasionally had again one. On the castle property were things once gardens, parks, vineyards, dovecotes, fishponds, mills, and stables. Castle were not as primitive as we think them to be. They had some of the conveniences that we have today. They had a form of a toilet. It was a toilet made of stone. People who wished to use it had to bring some material to guard themselves from the chilly rock. The waste would eventually drain to a river by habit of an underground pool. These cesspits would often have to be cleaned out by dung farmers.

Not every portion of castles were extravagant fortresses that housed kings and each and every allocation of one his subjects. Many castles were just built for the lord, his relations and a few servants. Other castles that were not skillfully protected or had no threat of belligerence were called fortified manors. The design of a castle was taken unconditionally seriously by the lords. There is mention to Aubree, wife of the Count of Bayeux, executing upon the spot, Lanfred, her master mason after he completed her castle. She did this because she was for that excuse supportive bearing in mind it that she didn’t distressed sensation him to construct one also it for anyone else.


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