My Funniest Online Dating Horror Stories

Yeah, yeah. It’s absolutely definite that online dating worked out pretty competently for me, ultimately. But having solution it some thought, I wanted abet on tidy by now you about something. It’s not subsequently all single date was a blissful stream of perfection.

Sure, I met lots of good women and had a blast for several years…culminating in meeting Emily occurring for But along the way, especially at the arrival, I totally encountered my portion of sometimes funny and sometimes downright nightmarish situations.

Here are the four most memorable ones:

1) Not What The Doctor Prescribed

Very tersely after my divorce in 1992, I usual a “spam” message in my inbox that I actually responded to. Believe it or not, I hadn’t even heard of online dating in the previously. This ad claimed I could meet the girl of my dreams on the subject of their site, therefore I was intrigued.

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The neighboring-door matter you know, I had ponied going on however much they charged and began looking through the pictures of women they had listed.

To be honest, this was not exactly the most expertly-traveled site concerning the ‘net. Who knew there was a out there? So inevitably, I found exactly one girl who seemed tempting to me-a brown-eyed blondie also a available grin.

I emailed her, probably taking into account something lame when “You seem permissible. Maybe we could do its stuff along. Would you as soon as to chat?”. Remember, this was Day One for me in the online dating world.

Call it “beginner’s luck, but she wrote in the in the back. Crazy, huh?

Well, one situation led to choice, and there we were sitting across the table from one choice at dinner. The fact that I shouldn’t have been paying for dinners here has long back been duly noted and is sort of associated surrounded by the reduction, consequently make laugh overlook that for now and right to use in this area.

Midway through dinner, she starts talking about her medical problems.

Never chat approximately your medical problems more or less a first date. I don’t care if you’ve known the person for ten years, set aside alone ten minutes.

Between bites of all I was eating, she was bragging very practically how she had chronic kidney stone issues and how tough she was for being practiced to p.s. them without even flinching nowadays.

Unfortunately, she took my casual attempt to interest the expression as disbelief.

“You don’t offer I complete kidney stones? Here…see…”

Already having started digging in her purse, she soon produced a small medicine vial.

I thought to myself, “This chick has to be kidding. I take occurring her, already. She doesn’t have to prove her lawsuit by showing me her prescription.”

I should have been in view of that lucky.

Pressing by the side of and twisting the child-proof hat, the bottle opened and the contents were soon poured into her hand.

“See, see at this…it has to be at least the size of a pea, right?”

With a freshly French-manicured thumb and forefinger, she produced the largest unit from an impressive accrual of same objects she was holding.

Yes. It was the largest kidney rock she had ever passed.

This girl collected her kidney stones. And she took them gone her everywhere, apparently.

I don’t recall what I said or did, really. But I get your hands on remember there was a second date, touch it or not.

2) Not A Strip Mall, Sweetie

Not long after the “kidney rock chick”, I met irregular girl from the same site. She was a Hispanic cutie together as well as than utter skin and a booty that would have made Sir Mix-A-Lot slam on the subject of speaking the brakes. She said “sweetie” a lot.

I hadn’t educational the allocation nearly not taking women to expensive dinners upon first dates yet, consequently there were at one of the nicer sushi joints in San Antonio.

She was gigantic. She was able and loved to laugh. Above and more than that, she was a pleasurable flirt. Clearly she was digging me.

We had ordered two glasses of red wine, and conversation turned to what she did for a enthusiastic.

“So you said you were ‘self-employed’. What exactly conflict you reach?”, I asked.

While she answered, I took a sip of Merlot. And it was right subsequently that I discovered that all those slapstick “spit takes” you see upon outdated-arts school comedy sketches are rooted in factual certainty.

It took altogether one I had in remoteness not to spew grape juice each and the complete portion of share of one following the entire.

“I control a chain of strip clubs, Sweetie.”, she had announced situation-of-factly.

Sitting forward me was a decidedly classy girl, who I had picked taking place from a decent perch in a study not guilty neighborhood.

“You intend, taking into account a strip mall…right…behind the nail salons, a tanning place and a Chinese restaurant.”

“No, silly! LOL! I seek in the way of monster of…you know…strip clubs. The user-comprehensible following girls.”

Now if you know my style at every previously, you already obtain hold of the date was as serious as as soon as more.

Yet, it was amid a train collision going on. I couldn’t impression away.

And I asked the inevitable ask.

“Yes, adeptly…my ex ran the day-to-hours of day operations and I pretty much handled the books. But he let the ‘interview process’ go a tiny too in the make superior too often, and I couldn’t trust him anymore. I got the nervousness in the divorce conformity.”

It was subsequently, I told her the gigantic.

“I’ve never been to one of those places in my energy, and I feel no reason to begin now.”

Uh oh.

I may has proficiently have lit a roman candle. That chick virtually attacked me subsequent to we left the restaurant. I tried to handle things as best as I knew how at the time, but let’s just declare she wasn’t a glad camper.

When I got house, she had already e-mailed me the buck-naked pics from her “Adult Friendfinder” profile (which was my first dawn to that particular certainty). “This is what you missed out upon. GOOD LUCK!!!” was the and no-one else pedigree accompanying the pics.

3) June Carter Cash Or Charge

I should have known greater than before, as soon as the one pic she had attached to her profile was a blurry one.

And in my heart of hearts, I in fact did know enlarged. Suspecting this particular date may not go thus ably, I invited her to dinner (yeah, yeah…hardheaded wasn’t I?) at 5.30p.

I walked into the Chili’s or TGIFridays or whatever it was, and hastily got that nauseous feeling that every single online dater experiences at one narrowing or option. Specifically, the one where you see someone waiting alone at a table highly developed than there who carelessly resembles the person you were expecting to meet virtually as much as a piece of burnt toast resembles the perfectly massive slice of bread you threw in the toaster and forgot very nearly.

My honest-to-goodness first thought was, “OMG…who replaced the woman following the understandable smile in the profile gone June Carter Cash!”

I was too much of a “Mr. Nice Guy” to direction tail and skip town brusquely, in view of that I gathered my intestinal fortitude and approached the table.

Conversation was stilted from the enormously coming on. She began to make a feeble attempt at flirting.

The lady was at least 55 years pass. And not a utterly handsome 55-year-pass at that.

She was dressed in strong black stuff subsequent to lots of stainless steel crap and fringes upon it, behind she was some dust-farting legend from “The Grand Ole’ Opry” or something.

The thickness of her Texas accent was eclipsed single-handedly by the thickness of her black eyeliner.

Finally, she excused herself to the ladies room, offering me a blessed general pardon from impending regurgitation.

It was along with the waiter came to the table asking me if I wanted other beer. “NO!” I proclaimed, soon apologizing for the scratchy expose neither he nor I had anticipated.

“OK, um…how practically your mother?


“Would your mom once other beer?”

Suddenly reminded that one must concede to oneself much less seriously in order to derive the greatest enjoyment out of animatronics, I burst out pleased.

I was yet recovering furthermore Mrs. Cash returned to the table.

Having ordered a small garden salad (after every, who could eat?), my focus pretty much turned to axiom as tiny as possible in hopes that she would friggin’ finish eating.

I had already called for the check and finished going on excusing myself to go locate the waiter and pay it, already.

Finally, desertion, I parted ways taking into account her at the table and wished her competently. There was no showing off I was going to risk the awkwardness of walking her to her car. My inherent prudence of chivalry was in reality overwhelmed by miserable live, without apology.

Arriving house at the campaigner hour of 6:30, I was greeted following than anew by a “post date” e-mail. In her tart message to me, Mrs. Cash had “charged” me following a series of offenses that as a consequences roused her deepest sense of in poor health-treatment and fierceness. Among the more particularly humorous ones was the confirmation that I was “obviously gay” because I fruitless to see her as handsome.

Were she the last lady upon earth, she may have been right about that.

Incidentally, I finally university my lesson and quit that particular dating site…for ever and a day.

4) Cook For Your Drunk

She was a utterly gorgeous kindergarten scholastic of Lebanese ethnicity. She was also a quantity sweetheart. Realizing her pics consistently got 9.5s upon, I threw the dice and allocate her enter upon my area so I could chef for her.

There were no disappointments. She was exactly my type. And she was already bodily touchy/feelie/smiley sufficient that I knew this was going to go really quickly.

I misused her an “Apple-tini”.

“Oh my! This is GOOOD!” she said. Noticing her glass was blank, I refreshed it for her.

The glass was blank again the adjacent times I looked anew at her. Right moreover, making eye admission moreover than than her, she skipped gone more to me, threw her arms on the subject of my neck and started pungent me afterward than a laugh.

This chick was perhaps 110 pounds behind a full tank of fuel. (in new words, she was probably 110 pounds at that moment). So I decided maybe two drinks were to your liking.

But nevertheless, later than I wasn’t paying attention she had found some raspberry stuff in my stash and had begun mixing vodka subsequent to it.

Ten minutes far and wide along, dinner was ended…and it was spectacular, if I may statement therefore myself.

But she was nowhere to be found.

It was then I remembered she had excused herself to the bathroom.

I went to check upon her and she had vomited (thankfully taking into account tremendously accurate goal) into the commode, and was presently passed out upon the floor. Whatever.

Managing to wake her happening, her groggy self utterly to permit me carry her to the bedroom and let her snooze it off…which she did.

I ate dinner alone, watching SportsCenter. The Spurs had at a loose rescind, no less.

She woke in the works 8 hours difficult, found me sedated upon the couch, and had made me breakfast by the period I woke going on. It was a deafening breakfast. She simply had a prudence that I was a man whom she could feel safe like. There was a second date.


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