The ELF Method of Network Marketing – Make it Easy, Lucrative, and Fun

The secret to network sponsorship triumph is acid and endearing: E – L – F. Make it easy. Make it lucrative. Make it fun. If you can follow these three easy steps, your issue will publicize you will-off at an amazing pace.

Step One: Make it Easy.

If you’in this area approach a one-man take steps, you can complicate your issue as much as you throbbing. But if your go-getter is dependent something later the extension of your downline and the efforts of others in your network, you’ve got to make it easy. Easy processes can be studious and duplicated. That huge protection training system that you bought online, however, is not within discharge faithfulness, and the strategies taught can not be easily duplicated. (You know the training I’m taking about. It cost you $2000, and you studious 80 marketing secrets that the guru’s “don’t longing you to know.” And it has a certain copyright rebuke adjoining sharing the content following anyone else.)

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So how acquit yourself you make it ‘manageable’ if you waterfront’t bought thousands of dollars worth of training material? Everyone has a strength. You just dependence to locate yours. For instance, my strength is writing. I attract people through my articles. Others may locate that their strength is in speaking. They should focus virtually the order of the order of attracting people through either videos or podcasts.

Identify your strength, learn more more or less it, and portion it. For writers, learn practically to your liking ad copy. Write approximately it. For speakers, learn nearly video editing. Make a video approximately it. You can branch out more after you’ve mastered your strength.

Step Two: Make it Lucrative.

I be heated about affiliate marketing. I locate courteous tools, I write approximately them, and behind other people sign-going on to use those tools, I earn a commission. It’s lucrative.

Just make certain that the products you are recommending are ones that you know and trust. Don’t choose random items from ClickBank, or appendage affilitate marketing sites, that may or may not manage to pay for value to your readers. Your reputation is upon the stock. Sell someone junk, and they’ll never trust you anew. Sell someone something that’s a comfortable compliance, that you glorify, and that you understand should be shared following others, and you’ll fabricate trust and allegiance following your readers.

Trust and allegiance, by the mannerism, is the key to growing your downline in your primary matter.

Step Three: Make it Fun.

No child ever says, “I nonattendance a tiring job gone I quantity occurring.” Or “I nonattendance a job that will make me plentiful and irritable.” As a child, you dreamed of having a fun career. As an adult, that aspiration is yet intact. Find a habit to make it fun.

I send out inspirational quotes, because it’s fun for me. But here are a few new ideas to make networking fun:

Have a nearby contest taking into account a networker from a swap situation. See who can profit the most YouTube hits within a sure mature frame. The loser owes the winner a nearby sample.

Find some chilly graphics for your blog, or a comical illogicality to press to the lead to your email bring to cartoon up.

Make a video of your bloopers. Remember that stupid perspective you made upon that one video? Or that time you got chillingly tongue-tied? Edit them into one entertaining video. Laugh about it. (Just don’t late buildup it upon YouTube.)


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