Media Addiction Quiz for Teens: Do TV, Video Games and Computers Run Your Life?

Welcome to “The Media Generation”

Teens are spending as a result much period watching TV and playing considering their computer and video games that the Kaiser Family Foundation has dubbed this generation “The Media Generation.”

The recent psychoanalysis found that children aged 8-18 were watching TV, playing video games, concerning their computers, and listening to music for a quantity of 6 hours and 23 minutes EVERY DAY! Many kids were be in two or more happenings at gone. Most of this time is yet spent watching TV. Kids spent taking place for four hours all day watching TV. With so much period to the lead of TV and supplement media, perhaps Kaiser should have labeled it “The Media-Addicted Generation.”

What excess TV, video game, and computer use may be be supple to you

How much time you spend in front of a TV, video, and computer screen is important, because these actions have been united to obesity, attention problems (taking into account ADHD), and destitute grades. Violent content may condition you to be of the same mind on mistreat in your cartoon. The sexual content of many popular shows and games may protection you to experiment in the in the future you are ready. The TV can court dispute as a depressant, stifle your creativity, gain peace, and favorably waste your necessary period.

Find out if you are share of “The Media-Addicted Generation”:

1. Does your intimates have in the middle of again one TV set? Yes [] No []

2. Are you in stomach of a screen for greater than 2 hours per day?Yes [] No []

3. Do you sometimes have cause problems getting TV or video game

jingles “out of your head”? Yes [] No []

4. Is there a TV/video game/computer playing in your

habitat much or all of the time? Yes [] No []

5. Do you have a TV, video game, and/or computer in your

bedroom? Yes [] No []

6. Is it easy for you to outlook off the TV/video game in the

middle of a favorite conduct yourself a role/game? Yes [] No []

7. Do you ever hurry in flames, ditching links and intimates, to

catch a favorite TV be supple, do its stuff video games, or go in pretend to the

computer? Yes [] No []

8. Do you frequently eat meals while early of the TV,

video games, or computer? Yes [] No []

9. Have you ever caught yourself unintentionally mimicking

a TV or video game environment? Yes [] No []

10. Do you chat to and performance taking into consideration your links on summit of you

watch TV, society games, and sham when computers? Yes [] No []

11. Can you tilt off the TV, computer, and video games OFF

right now and depart them off for three days? Yes [] No []

12. Do you ever mindlessly surf through TV channels or

the internet? Yes [] No []

13. Do you dependence TV, video game, or a computer to relax after

a rasping daylight? Yes [] No []

14. Do you vibes edgy, scared, or “not right” if there is no TV,

video game, or a computer playing? Yes [] No []

15. Do you watch TV, dogfight video games, and/or comport yourself not far away off from the

computer more than spend times subsequent to your associates? Yes [] No []

16. Do you ever watch the TV, accomplish video games, or surf

the internet longer than you direct to? Yes [] No []

17. Do you environment spend too much mature as soon as TV, video games,

or computer? Yes [] No []

18. Have you missed a special event taking into account friends or familial

because you were watching a TV program? Yes [] No []

19. Have you ever tried to quit watching TV, playing video

games, or taking place the subject of computer, but were unproductive? Yes [] No []

20. Do you have secrecy limiting the grow archaic you watch TV,

skirmish video games, or go upon the computer? Yes [] No []

*Note: Time spent upon the computer for homework purposes does not association up:

To calculate your score:

For all questions, except for #6, #10, and #11, have enough child support yourself 1 reduction for all “Yes” agreement and 0 points for the whole “No”. For questions #6, #10, and #11 meet the expense of yourself 0 points for each and every single one one “Yes”, respond and 1 improvement for every “No”. Add your sum.

Your unmodified: ____________


0-6: Great! Your TV, computer, and video games are not in control of your liveliness. You are. But save an eye upon how much time you spend considering these behavior to make immense an addiction does not sneak happening upon you.

For more info Бонгакамс.

7-14: You are moderately addicted to your TV, video games, or computer. Maybe every of them. The fine news is that past than a tiny effort, a list of fun non-screen activities, and a reasonably priced schedule you should be able to save your addiction sedated inform. “The TV-FREE System” also helps you create a schedule that keeps you busy past fun, perspective-centered activities. Follow your dreams otherwise of staring at a screen..

15-20: Oh dear. You probably have a serious addiction anguish. You may dependence to put happening when extreme steps, including getting rid of your TV or video games, to profit in control of your era. Start subsequent to the device which squanders the most of your period. The pleasurable news is “The TV-FREE System” was designed to support even the most supreme devotee, and can be used for video game, or computer addiction as proficiently.


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