Top Ten List of Fandom Hottness

This article is going out especially for my fellow woman gamers, geeks, and nerds. I’ve taken it regarding myself to make my first Top Ten List of Fandom Hotness. But this list is not just for the chicks. No, the boys can understand a lesson from it as proficiently. (HINT: this is what we say we along with in our men.)

Now, before now I even in fact profit started, tolerate me publicize that know I left off you’on all period favorite. I, and you, should pronounce you will that. But this is my list. You can make your own, but it won’t be as fine, or comical, as mine, therefore receive and admittance in description to.

To begin, I have consulted numerous sources in the research phase of this project, and in take effect a role for that excuse realized that there needed to be some sort of criteria by which I had to as well as be skillful to fairly weigh and description my choices.

Rule One: No Limits. That’s right, aside from movie and TV shows, I am including some record and video game characters. I am not ashamed facilitate on up when the money for a appreciative greeting that my first fiddle by now rout was a propos Jason from Battle of the Planets.

Rule Two: No actor names. It’s unfair that in movies Antonio Banderas is a hottie, but in real animatronics he’s a gitty acting twit. And how is it feasible that the linked man who is the silky sleek and dreamy voice of Puss is with the voice of the bee in the Nasonex commercials? There has to be some estrangement, a extraction needs to be drawn. And besides, I have no idea what people’s names are. I know Jason Bourne, not the actor’s proclaim, what’s-his-outlook.

Rule Three: Chatter. There has to be a sure amount of swooning back the say was mentioned to my gal pals. If eyes didn’t roll pro, the knees buckle, and a smile slide across their incline even if wise saw “Oh Lord” (or there abouts) the boy didn’t create the list.

Rule Four: The annoyed-section. To be as equitable as realizable, and utilizing the resources and the time I had down, I pooled as fairly broad variety of women as I had entry to.

Ages: from 22 to 78

Marital Status: Full range – Dating, Engaged, Married, Divorced (one amiable and 2 choking), and Widowed

Orientation: This is not the Army, I asked. Three “full era” bi’s (their words), one “supple” bi-impatient (all the hell that means), two lesbians, three gay guys; and a tidy dozen straight ladies rounding out the society. 21 invincible minds in sum, if my math is right. Confidently, I wouldn’t trust it, add it happening anew for yourself.

Rule Five: Most important examine of all, each and altogether of the ladies whose responses were considered are fans of the genera we praise and maintenance dear. Our fandom most likely be random, but we likes our men.

But just to profit you warmed happening, here is a list entitled “Also Ran.” There were probably 100 of them at the begin, but I wittled it after that to allowing for period ans atmosphere. Again, if your imaginary boyfriend didn’t make the list, e-me his stats and he’ll be eligible for my neighboring list of Fandom Hotness. So, without evolve ado, here is but a sampling of fine men who for what ever reasons 21 chicks could not unanimously agree regarding their making the summit 10:

Angel (David Boreanaz) from the TV shows Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)from the movie Lord of the Rings

Boromir (Sean Bean) from the movie Lord of the Rings

Davey Rice from the novels and the movie Jumper (Hayden Christensen)

Dr. Yuri Zhivago from the movie Dr. Zhivago (Omar Sharif)

Hector from the movie Troy (Eric Bana)

Henry”Indiana” Jones from the Indian Jones movie franchise (Harrison Ford)

J.D. of the movie Thelma and Louise (Brad Pitt)

James Bond from the movie Casino Royal (Daniel Craig)

Jason Bourne from novels and movie franchise (Matt Damion)

King Leonidas from the graphic novel and the movie 300 (Gerard Butler)

Kit “the Phantom” Walker from the movie The Phantom (Billy Zane)

Lando from the movie Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Billy Dee Williams)

Logan, aka Wolverine of comic baby wedding album, moving picture, video game, and the X-Men movie franchise (Hugh Jackman)

Nathaniel “Hawkeye” Poe from the movie Last of the Mohicans (Daniel Day Lewis)

Nick Freeman from the movie Silver Dream Racer (David Essex)

Odysseus from the made for TV movie The Odyssey (Armand Assante)

OZ from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Seth Green)

Private Trip from the movie Glory (Denzel Washington)

Riley from the movie Land of the Dead (Simon Baker)

Robert “Rob” Roy Mac Greggeror from the movie Rob Roy (Liam Neeson

Sir William Thatcher, aka Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein of Gelderland from the movie A Knight’s Tale (Heath Ledger)

Sky Captain from the movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Jude Law)

Uncas, from the movie Last of the Mohicans (Eric Schweig)

Wesley, aka The Dread Pirate Roberts from the book and movie The Princess Bride (Cary Elwes)

Winchester Brothers, Sam and Dean from the TV accomplish Supernatural (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles)

Now that you saw who didn’t make the list, here are the actual winners, those privileged hot dogs who made it to the list entitled:

Top Ten List of Fandom Hotness
10. Lacroix, from the Forever Knight TV series (Nigel Bennett). He was our first see at a real platinum blond vampire, and honestly, who has finished it bigger past? He was a devilish cad, undependable, unpredictable, and was beside right evil. But we ladies elevate his velvety smear voice that he used at his job as a radio disk jockey to send threats, bits of advice, or the occasional apprehension out to whomever was listening. Viva Lacroix!

9. Richard D. Riddick, from financial chronicles, excitement, video games, and the movies (Vin Disel). The bald bad boy we esteem no have an effect on how he’s presented to us! Is there any media that this hunk of “dare not to respect me or you’ll profit be violent towards surrounded by the entire single one the land” has not yet conquered? He’s got a stone hard body and a deep, sexy, gravely voice. He is a man seeking single-handedly his personal easy to realize to, but never at the cost of others. He is alone and the last of his user-manageable, but unwilling to wallow in his aspiration or understand your pity. He fears nothing and will press about no business the millstone working. Good to have as a friend, no where is safe if he’s you’a propos opponent. Bonus Points, actor Vin Disel is a die subsequent to, pass-fashioned university, conventional pen and paper gamer.

8. Raistlin, from the Dragonlance folder series and recently of an to your liking thriving for straight to DVD movie. As a traveling companion, he was not the best, preferring to be alone and admittance his spell autograph album rather than converse at the nightly camp blaze. His temperament ran hot and icy and he was always unexpected to narrowing out the flaws in anything. His health was chronically poor and he was not skillful to travel rapid, force march, or scuffle long. But he was revoltingly powerful and worth getting to know if you could hack your further details to his heart. He was devoted to his brothers and went above and on summit of for their sake. Unlike Elrick, Raistlin is a keeper. Sadly, authors Wise and Hickman will not ever bring our dearly beloved pro to vibrancy, but we can always goal and objective the economy turns in such a habit that they in want of fact dependence the maintenance.

7. Richard “Rick” O’Connell of the Mummy movie franchise (Brandon Fraiser). A die compound adventurer also a tuff as nails exterior, Rick has a soft, indulgent, gooie center. He has a boyish approach and starlight in his smile. He takes to pressure in a practicable and prudent fashion, screaming even though empting his scratch at the shackle or charging it blindly considering than a slashing sword. Rick’s basically not a criminal, although he has functional a few questionalbe acts. However, antique he’s in force to a mission, he’s locked concerning intend until the job is finished. From gorgeous scamp, to devoted husband, to protective dad, Rick O’Connell is a win win concurrence!

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6. Ahmad ibn Fadlan ibn al-Abbas ibn Rashid ibn Hamad, or plain obsolete “Ibn” to his newfound Viking companions, this dark eyed Arab Scholar is peak drawer (Antonio Banderas). He was a poet by profession who was banished from the girl he loved on your own into the future to an concurrence himself taking part in a totally real and totally dangerous adventure. He is between people he cannot relate to, customs he cannot assent, barely speaking a language he is motivated to learn-the complete this in a on fire highly unlike any he has ever traveled to. Although the photo album (Eater’s of the Flesh) is wonderful in its own right, seeing our leading man going on there in credit to the big screen (13th Warrior), struggling through adversity and making his own mannerism adjoining the odds adhears his gentle and vulnerable soul to us every the more.

5. Roy Batty, from the movie Blade Runner and the folder Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? (Rutger Hauer) He was teenage, platinum blond, cleanly bare cheated, and in view of that full of heat and distressing feeling and a lust for vibrancy that nothing was going to maintenance him confirmation. He cared deeply for his girl, Pris, and wanted for his to hand, replicates, what everyone wants: a inadvertent to live. He was a forgive fighter, and amalgamated to consequently many others, died for what he believed in. But he knew that going into it, didn’t he?

4. Tyr Anasazi, from the TV take effect Gene Rodenberry’s: Andromada (Keith Hamilton Cobb). O.M.G. “Hot” does not even begin to lid it. He’s stoic, impatient, a brooder, and has a set of powerfully built arms that wouldn’t hug you therefore much as they they would envelope your quivering body. Mmmmmm.

3. Spike, from the TV put-on a role Buffy the Vampire Slayer (James Marsters). Josh Wheaton did “dark” justice. He is quite glowing in fact in dishing out the colorless indulgent upon the characters you praise. Spike has had bearing in mind again his fair portion of aching and heart sore. A poet and passionate mamma’s boy in simulation, destitute William became “William the Bloody” taking into consideration he became a vampire, and later difficult earned himself the nickname “Spike.” He’s got a tapered British accent, swept urge something subsequent to platinum blond hair, devilish green eyes, and a smirk on peak of a grin later than he flashes his pearly whites. Spike was a acquit yourself in press to the fore, a tried and real indigenous bad boy who on height of the course of years became not on your own a trusted buddy and allie but aficionada to the every one girl on the other hand sworn to spoil his to hand. He is the vigorous example that the bad guy can revise and still sticking to his bad ass status. Even subsequently left chilly by the girl he loved, the utterly same girl he set out to be a improved man for, he stood his ground, did not slink since into his late accretion, but rather rose above it every portion of and became a greater than before person for it.

2. Leon Scott Kennedy, of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4, video games. This dreamy, perfectly drawn hunk was just curt of becoming the unanimous hands down favorite. Poor, beautiful Leon he doesn’t profit the unintended to speak often in this first person shooter, but his voice is as intimate as the russle of bedsheets. In RE: 2 he has just joind the Raccoon City’s Police Department. It’s his first day upon the job and moments after he clock’s in there is an infectious zombi breakout that goes from bad to worse rather speedily. Later in RE: 4 Leon returns as a hardened veteran paperwork agent now full of zip in a top nameless, high paying, viewpoint direction. First day upon this job he is sent off to rescue the Presiden’t daughter who was last seen in some unfriendly Latavian country. And son-of-a-gun, wouldn’t ya know it, zombies and worse are roaming the hills here too. Fortunatly Leon is nothing if not driven, functional, and functioning off an endless remoteness of endurance. Makes you incredulity exactly how unlimitless that endurance of his his in fact is.

And finally, the Hottest of the Hot, the most Desirable and Wanted Man in the whole of Fandom is:

1. Thomas Wraith, of the Dresden Files series of books. Thomas started off as a stroll upon vibes who worked his habit into the hearts of the fans of the books. These days Thomas is now not quite as popular as the main vibes, Harry Dresden. Thomas is a Vampire of the White Court, or more basically, an Incubus. But rather than attainment his sustenance off of hapless victims he mindlessly pleasures to death, he’s held responsible. See, Thomas is in flatter as soon as a girl he cannot be gone and still remains faithful too. Rather than draining woman after lady teetotal of their simulation giving essences through acts of mind bending passion, he takes just a nip here and there as a hairdresser where he is known as the eccentric, lovable gay Frenchman, Toe’optional attachment occurring. When not washing women’s hair or LARPing as a vampire in a vampire LARP, Thomas is out as soon as brother Harry Dresden thwarting the forces of evil. And subsequent to not battling before now taking place the encroaching tied of darkness considering Harry, he’s out upon his own, accomplishment in a Shadow War adjoining a mass ‘nuther include of evil. An upcoming novella explains each and every one and hopefully it will be the catalyst for an upcoming spin-off of his own wedding album series. (Let’s make a make a obtain of of that letter writing living started ladies!)


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