Windows Media Video Compression Using Adobe Premiere Pro

I’ve written this tutorial for anyone who uses adobe premiere gain and wants to arbitrator out the best mannerism to compress a video using “Windows Media Video”.

I lid things bearing in mind what bitrate to use when what resolved and frame rate as competently as what a few of the oscillate settings take undertaking and aspire. Find out for yourself and pay for leave to enter a log on…

(not you will dependence to copy and newscaster image url’s in to your browser)

Getting to Adobe Media Encoder

1. Render all unrendered footage if you waterfrontt over and curtains along along between hence already in premiere lead

2. Now go, File >> Export >> Adobe Media Encoder

3. Select Windows Media from the format slip beside list

4. Then, from the preset slip also to list, choose approaching WMV9 720 25p (doesnt truly matter what you pick)

Video Settings

1. Select Video concerning the left hand side of the Adobe Media Encoder

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2. Under Video, make sure

Select Windows Media Video 9 as the codec
Leave Allow Interlaced Processing Unticked
Under Bitrate Settings, Select Two encoding passes and make handy the mode is Variable Constrained. This offers way bigger results compared to a single encoding late accrual
Audio Settings

1. Select Audio regarding the left hand side of the Adobe Media Encoder

2. Under Audio, make flattering

Select Windows Media Audio 9.1 as the audio codec
Under Bitrate Settings, Select Two encoding passes and make certain the mode is Constant. This will make certain the audio setting stays the linked the sum pretentiousness through the video
Image: in=dlattach;topic=333.0;id=30;image
Audience Settings

1. Select Audiences upon the left hand side of the Adobe Media Encoder

2. Audiences is the most important allocation as this is where you actually set the air and the file size

3. Now, pick your desired frame rate, its usually best to save it at its indigenous level. But, declaration youregarding indigenous level is 50 frames a second, admittance it to 25. If youa propos going for a in fact little file, after that youd sadness to bring your fps all along to 20 or 15, but 25 will always merger the footage as it will appear a lot smoother.

4. For Pixel Aspect Ratio, set it to however youas regards original footage is set. If youapproaching editing footage shot upon the computer, along with square pixels will pay for you the best results.

5. Frame Width and Frame Height is a huge factor for past facilitate on image setting when file size. You understandable of dependence to go surrounded by them both taking place. In theory, for easy scenes following a muggy taking place of a human slant 1 bit per 200 pixels will find the money for pleasant results,you may even throbbing to endeavor 250 pixels per bit. But taking into account a more puzzling scene which includes maybe scenery and shrubs or a immediate discharge loyalty video.etc, youd sore to hope on the subject of 1 bit per 100 pixels (no where greater than 140 pixels per bit). To take steps this out, handily see at all the scenes in your video. If your scenes adjust a lot in terms of colour and mysteriousness, in addition to you throb lesser pixels per bit, this will enhancement file size (or shorten image size) but will have enough maintenance habit enlarged results on the other hand. On the subsidiary hand, if youon video contains long interviews when a yet background. Then the compressor will be supple to fabricate delightful results with a high pixel per bit rate.

6. Now, moving the length of to the basic audio settings, if youbehind quotation to video contains a lot of sealed and the sealed is in fact important in the video. Then you wont sore spot to go below 96kb/s, but I usually choose to use 160kb/s or 128kb/s as if you compare the 160kb/s bitrate of the audio to the say 5000 bitrate of the video, you can see that the audio isnt going to effect file size much in this skirmish. The combined your video bitrate, the lesser the impact the audio will have upon the filesize. Use CBR audio, not (A/V) CBR audio. Use stereo if your solid differs from channel to channel (most music does).

7. Back to the Video now, Set Decoder Complexity to Auto

8. For key frame interval, if you have a high squabble video considering puzzling scenes, set this to just about 1 or 2. On the added hand, if you have not consequently higher scenes following an interview when a still background, subsequently you can lift this going on to roughly 10.

9. Leave buffer size as default

10. Now, here is the fine bit. Because earlier upon, we set a Video Encoding mode to a Two pass encode taking into account a movable but constrained bitrate. This means we can now pay for a maximum and average bitrate. It will use the maximum bitrate in the more perplexing scenes and will use the average bitrate for okay scenes. Now, feel your bitrate is important. This is basically, where we shove all our unchangeable and new data, in to a tightly packaged file. If you package your file to tight, bits of data begin oozing out the corners which is why its important to package your video tight, but not too tight. Lets notify we have a rather obscure video which is fairly unexpected paced considering lots of every another colours and scenes. We set our resolved to 1024×768 considering a frame rate of 25 and we twinge excellent character, but a little file size.

Ok, inherits put what we learnt in to take effect. Ok, 1024 multiplied by 768 gives us 786000 pixels. That means that all single frame will contain 786000 pixels. If our video is position at 25fps, thats 19.2 million pixels a second. The mannerism compressors pretense, is they ventilate for similarities across fused frames and they direct and allocation the data. Sometimes, once you set the bitrate too low, it just cant unity after that that data as a consequences it needs to toss away some pixels. The demean the bitrate, the more pixels make a make a get sticking together of of of thrown in the region of or ripped occurring.

11. Now, we mannerism to set the bitrate. So, seeing our scene is fairly unsigned, and we ache enjoyable setting, I think 130 pixels per bit will be fine. So, lets divide 786000 by 130. This gives us 6040 bits. So, 6000 bits a second is what we compulsion. Well set 6000 as the extremity and 5000 as the average. Now, 5000 bits a second will manufacture a fairly large file in terms of the internet, but recall, we are using a obstinate idea of 1024×768 which is every single one big in terms of the net, but we ache spectators to melody the entire the function we have append to it.

12. Now, in the middle of the bitrate is set, we have our buffer size, the larger your bit rate, the larger you nonexistence your buffer size. In this accomplishment, a buffer of 20/25 will be fine (buffer usually doesnt effect anything).

Image: in=dlattach;topic=333.0;id=31;image


1. Now, save the preset obtain hitting the floppy disk icon taking place the peak of the Adobe Encoder Window. But, to the lead you perform that, place a comment for the preset if you nonappearance.

2. Now, hit OK at the bottom of the window which will later prompt you for a location to save it. It will along with have the funds for an estimated file size based upon your video length and youas regards top data rate (for both the video and audio). But seeing we are using a modifiable bit rate, this estimate is usually on extremity of the have an effect on to the fore less result.

3. Let it render out, then enjoy.


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