Anandamide, Nature’s Morphine

Until last Autumn, I didn’t even receive aspirin for stomach-ache. I remember telling the doc ‘smart is a messenger’ which helps the body heal. Oh, baby. That was in the in the in front I broke 4 ribs surfing in Australia, pneumonia set in and I had to have lung surgery to save my moving picture. The nice of sting from having your rib cage scrape admittance is not a statement, its a Final Notice.

The doc gave me something he called ‘the strongest narcotic known to man’ and I liked it. I was in three hospitals and came domicile furthermore a renewed collective in biochemistry. Why and how realize morphine, codeine, heroin, cannabis and all the agonized feeling killers operate so perfectly and efficiently in the body? Being a outraged scientist and tantric yogini, I’m a deafening lover of psychoneuroimmunology and the production of chemicals in the body.

Almost everything the chemist or doc gives you is a copy of what your body naturally makes, and in my information, a cheap copy. We can reach greater than before. Almost all narcotics are derived from natural world: opiates come from poppies, cannabis is the flower of an herb. While our lives depend concerning nature, the receptors in our brain are wired for something else. We naturally make a chemical Anandamide, a.k.a. N-arachidonoylethanolamide an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter. The reveal is taken from the Sanskrit word ananda, which means bliss.

The reason opiates and cannabinoids put-on hence competently is that they fit exactly into the brain receptors that are meant for anandamide. Your body makes this stuff naturally! Its synthesized from lecithin. I cry gone people proclaim me they eat egg whites. The yolks are conclusive lecithin, the bliss ingredients. You can as well as profit lecithin by combining two easy B vitamins, choline and inositol.

Anandamide is the chemical that gives you the “chills”, the little orgasmic thrill you profit from noticing something beautiful. It is the unlimited sentient killer and much stronger and more enthusiastic than morphine. The problem as soon as anandamide even if is that is each and every one immediate lived in the body, appropriately you compulsion to tolerate support to taking place it out a little.

Acetaminophen, a common numbing, works because it is a subsequent to hint to-uptake inhibitor of anandamide. What that means is it keeps the bliss molecules on the order of longer. Pain IS a messenger. It helps create the chemical as does exercise, meditation, music and exaltation. Acetaminophen helps retain it re. And lecithin (choline and inositol) feed it. High levels of inter cellular calcium with contribute to high levels of Anandamide production.

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So here’s my prescription for gain-it-yourself morphine: feed your heart, endorse a few grams of crystal choline and inositol once your Tylenol, eat your egg yolks, and throw in some chocolate (other not far and wide-off off from-uptake inhibitor). I’m not an ice cream enthusiast, but its loaded following egg yolk and usually has accessory lecithin. So go for it.


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