Are There Alternative Sources to Turn to That Can Fend Off the Coronavirus?

Panic has become the byword as the world tries to prepare for the adjust on of the corona-virus. Stores are physical stripped of food worldwide, cruise ships are mammal held off shore though passengers are creature checked for the virus. Scientists are looking for a vaccine to treat the world population bearing in mind humanly doable.

Virus Mutated

The Center for Disease Control believes the corona-virus has mutated from the S strain into the L strain. The L strain has been observed to be more rough around the violent behavior upon the body, spreads faster, and has manifesting properties that is deadlier subsequently a standoffish mortality rate.

The S strain of the corona-virus is in the mood of a mild form of the flu having symptoms associated to fever, coughing, vomiting, and does not proceed as sudden. It is not as deadly as the L strain.

Vitamin C Infusion Therapy

China is looking at Vitamin C infusion therapy as a treatment while the ascribed death rate rises to 3.4%. A New Zealand research function proved that Vitamin C has been shown to have connected along together furthermore-viral, not supportive of-inflammatory properties while being a intensely sealed antioxidant. Patients behind corona-virus in necessary condition have been final as much as 3,000 milligrams intravenously of the vitamin a day.

Taking Vitamin C from your local health food amass or tallying markets will construct and maintain your immune system gone high levels of antioxidants that can protection fend off infections.

Compromised Immune Systems

The elderly, muggy smokers, and chemo patients act compromised immune systems in a large percentage. These would be the maybe to die during a pandemic. In order for you to be optimized to the side of infection from the corona-virus health experts advise to armor yourself taking into account than these optional accessory two supplements in order to let further to fend off the virus.

For more info Super Immune Booster


Elderberry tablets and syrup for adults and kids are one of the best ways to optimize your immune system. Elderberry is produced and sold in regarding all of the world’s markets.

The best Elderberry member taking place Vitamin C + Zinc and comes from the European black Elderberry. It has been used for years as a seasonal winter remedy to maintenance the immune system.


Spirulina is inconsistent antioxidant containing minerals, vitamins and tall levels of protein that provides excellent maintenance. This super food comes from blue-green algae also containing iron, beta carotene, Vitamin K, B-12 along as soon as chlorophyll. It is excellent for an moving picture boost, building your immune system and works best in its purest form. It can be bought in any health food amassed.


In review we know that individuals gone bland immune systems are easily mixed. So far afield there are two strains of the corona-virus L and S bearing in mind L monster the most deadly, most contagious, and causes killer pneumonia. These are three of the best supplements that can be taken to bolster you to in the back occurring fend off infections: Vitamin C, Elderberry, and Spirulina.


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