Category Guidelines To Help You Select The Perfect Category For Your Article Submissions

This category guideline document is expected to minister to you pick the best category for each of your article submissions. Many era a category or sub-category could minister to double meanings and it’s our slant that this document will advance release taking place the type of articles we are hoping to heavens in each of the following categories.

For more info produits photoréalismes.

Perhaps the biggest mistakes newbie authors will make is that they attempt classifying their article in the joined category as their excite rather than in the best category for their primary article subject. For example, if an author wrote an article roughly tilt feel and later plugged their health and fitness revise in the resource crate, they might choose Health and Fitness for the category taking into account simply the Goal-Setting category is best for the content and intention of their article.

Lastly, a common ask that is asked: Can I area my article in future than one category at a era. Sorry, the solution is no. Please pick the most capture category and go taking into account that.


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