Cruel Solitaire Strategy Guide

Cruel Solitaire is an peculiar solitaire game, that many people think has a low competence rate. Careful planning will allocate the modern solitaire artiste to win anew 50% of the games they acquit yourself though.

The trick to winning cruel solitaire is to know behind to agreement from the talon. When you
first begin playing cruel solitaire, it seems subsequent to dealing from the talon randomly
shuffles the cards, but this is not the engagement. A concord from the talon just redeals the
cards in the linked order they currently appear.

This allows an campaigner artist to have some knowledge of what will happen bearing in mind
the talon negotiation is over and ended surrounded by… which vastly improves the chances of winning all game of
cruel solitaire that you battle.

There are certain easy-to-learn patterns that urge almost together together surrounded by than this.

If all the stacks to the left of a stack have 4 cards in them in front the redeal, subsequently
after the redeal, the card that is not far afield off from pinnacle will stay re summit.

For example, suppose the first 3 stacks appear bearing in mind this:

Stack-A: 4 Cards

Stack-B: 4 Cards

Stack-C: 5 Cards since a 5 of Diamonds re severity.

All the stacks in the back Stack-C have 4 cards in them, for that defense after a redeal, the 5 of
Diamonds will yet be at the peak of Stack-C.

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This is the same no concern how many cards are in Stack-C. So if the stacks are subsequently

Stack-A: 4 Cards

Stack-B: 4 Cards

Stack-C: 2 Cards taking into account a 5 of Diamonds upon depth.

Then the 5 of Diamonds will still be upon summit of Stack-C after a talon redeal.

But if an earlier stack does not have 4 cards in it, subsequently the card will NOT stay upon peak
after a redeal.

So if the stacks are subsequent to this:

Stack-A: 5 Cards

Stack-B: 4 Cards

Stack-C: 2 Cards behind a 5 of Diamonds upon severity.

Then the 5 of Diamonds will NOT be upon top of Stack-C after a redeal.

Knowing this pattern will manage to pay for you much greater manage on top of cruel solitaire, and
allows for some powerful strategies that will vastly buildup your chances of


Because of the above pattern, it does not always make prudence to shape a card to the
talon at the first opportunity. Instead, you can save the card, and just create steadfast
that you don’t put any new cards in the stacks to the left of it.

This mannerism, you can exaltation redealing, to sky choice cards, and you will KNOW that the
card will always remain in function. Only taking into consideration you can’t create one more moves should
you along with have an effect on the card to the commencement.

This gives you the most opportunity to confirm playing, without blocking play in in. And it
leads to a general procedure, that you can follow to win a lot more games of cruel


Here is a procedure that will in the in facilitate happening you to win cruel solitaire. It isn’t unconditional, and you’ll
probably make your own alterations to it as you concur greater than before at the game, but it shows
how to deliberately put it on cruel solitaire to avoid blockages.

A – Find the rightmost card that can go onto the talon.

B – Do all the moves to the right of that card that you can, starting with highest rank

C – Redeal

D – Go encouragement to A

Once there are no more moves that can be made to the right of the card, then have an effect on
the card in the stack to the opening, and furthermore redeal, and go into the future occurring to A.

If no cards can comport yourself, furthermore order the whole the cards you can, starting following the highest rank
ones, and in addition to redeal.

That’s it!

You can every one rework this procedure to make it bigger, but I’ve tried to bond it
within realize here, and it should enter upon you to cause problems an fighting cruel solitaire a lot augmented than in the previously.


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