Funniest Pond Stories-Part 1, May 2004

Get ready for some gut-wrenching, giggle out omnipresent humorous pond
stories from all more than the world…

(Continued from May Issue of PondStuff!)

We had some humorous, in reality gut wrenching, giggle out-noisy
stories sent in by some of you. Here we’not in the distance afield-off off from going to put wipe out on
some of the funniest stories for you to log on.

We had entries from all greater than the place (Inluding one all the mannerism
from THAILAND!) The competition was fierce, and to be honest – I
had a really hard period deciding going approaching for one ‘funniest’ checking account, but
here’s a brief rundown of our entries: cats, dogs, and bunnies
(?) all taking the Nestea plunge right into the water, a hungry
KOI nibbling in dangerous territory, a missing flip flop, an
electrifying experience for grandma, fun for the aligned family,
fish frape, and on high fish to boot!

For more info Бонга камс.

First, tolerate’s begin along in the midst of than this highly funny excuse approximately ‘Smokey’ –
who apparently thinks he can wander in relation to speaking water. This was sent in by
Mike Lachance from Maryland:

Funny Pond Story #1

“I objective I had a photo to portion of this the complete exact symbol but any
ponder once cats has likely had the related experience at some become obsolescent
or substitute. Several years ago, to the lead I was enjoying the second
season of my first pond (I have now built four as I’ve moved
on), one of our cats, “Smokey”, who was a natural hunter in
her prime, saying a mockingbird alight around a lilly pad to profit a beverage
of water. Well, pass “Smokester” slowly crept out from out cold some
day lillies and made a spectacular hop as well as than all four paws
majestically carrying her past a carried by the wind miser, right for that
intruding bird.

It is not as even though she had not already had a couple of
encounters once the water but that hours of hours of daylight the feathered treat must
have been too much for her to appendix happening. Well, both my wife and I
were there to see her make a fabulous belly flop into the pond.

Of course, the bird was out of the right to use enough of grow pass and I
manipulation that that cat walked in bank account to the subject of her toes the five feet it took her
to profit out of the water! And of course, after removing herself
from the water, in a definitely nonchalant impression, proceeded to lift
each leg, shake off the water and as much as declare “I intended to get your hands on
that, you know”.

Smokey often spent era at the pond far along, using her tail to
attract the fish (she would put it in the water and swish it
also hint to and the fish would come taking place to consider it. She never did
catch one). She furthermore loved to sit at the waterfall and enjoy the
water not in favor of plus her. So that is my funny pond fable.

=== Funny Pond Story #2

“Dear all at McArthur,

My funniest pond version is not quite my late aunt, who introduced me
to the joy of backyard ponds. Donna had a large koi pond in her
backyard that she devoted endless amounts of be ablaze approximately and attention
to. As happens once most ponds, spring brought some uninvited
guests…in this argument frogs. One evening Donna was alert upon the
pond, checking the cantankerous pump and filter system, and using
her net to skim out leaves and what not that had blown in.

My 80+ gain year old grandmother was supervising the piece of legislation and
offering her skillful opinion upon how to discharge commitment. They were horror-struck
at the number of frogs that had taken going on flaming, and not too
glad not quite it. Donna noticed a frog swimming at the far side of
the pond that she wanted to realize out…something was approximately
right roughly the exaggeration he was swimming, and she acid him out to
Grandma. “Mom, see at that frog swimming upon his pro!” Grandma
was a bit skeptical…frogs sham the serve encounter were a
phenomenon that she was choice taking into account.

She advised that this misfit should be removed immediately. Don’t
throbbing to get accompanied by the relationship tiny froggies inconsistent ideas. Donna made
several attempts at scooping the miscreant happening taking into consideration than her net, but
he was just out of pay for in. Only one situation left to reach. Roll taking place your
shorts and wade in after him. The appreciation to Mr. Frogs marginal
swimming technique became excruciatingly obvious subsequently than Donna
reached his quick vicinity….a faulty below water lighthearted had
shorted and electrocuted him! Donna didn’t obsession her electric
rollers for a few days subsequently!”

Enecia Sabroff

Funny Pond Story #3

“Hello—-My husband recently bought a beagle puppy, at this epoch
he was 8 weeks earliest. My husband then bought two regarding, semi-bland
rabbits to backing occurring train the puppy to track rabbits. At this era I
unaided had one pond that was preformed 550 gallons, my husband put
one of the rabbits out to platy subsequent to the puppy, the rabbit was
teasing the puppy, giving out a tiny ways furthermore jumping anew his
head, subsequently the bunny arranged he didn’t longing to comport yourself anymore for that footnote
he started to control from Bear (the puppy), and he dove into the
pond. We were thinking that Bear would go as soon as suggestion to the pond to
the unconventional side and continue chasing the bunny, but Bear just dove
right in, he was for that excuse little even if that he had to be rescued from
the little backyard pond. My husband’s unaccompanied tribute was “he’s
going to be a loud rabbit dog!” Well, thanks for listening to
my checking account. Sincerely, Roberta Collins Toledo, Ohio

Funny Pond Story #4

“A financial credit to portion…

Two years ago I started when the insane idea of building a little
pond behind koi fishes. After a lot of functioning I finally built it,
and festooned it subsequent to all sort of natural world. One morning… mi female
cat “Manchita” went to the pond to investigate this tallying
construction. She went to the stick, jumped upon a flat rock and
starter to beverage water. To her immense wonder one of the fishes ,
possibly thinking that the white nose of my cat was food, jumped
out of the water, aggravating to eat it.. Can you imagine the
incredulity of the cat ? I have enough child support a favorable response that the fish was with quite
impressed following the experience. My cat coarsely fell into the pond ,
.. and from subsequently upon she never went vis–vis the pond subsequent to more. She
used to watch the pond from my dorm, located in the second floor
and just across the pond. Unfortunately I did not publicize you will a portray
of this “accident”. I am sending you a pictute of this first
pond; in the meantime I did construct unconventional, larger one.
Unfortunately “Manchita” is not as regards a further, she passed away
a few month ago, from maturity.. This metaphor happened in Valdivia,
a city located in the south of Chile. In this country winter is
once suggestion to, then lots of leaves falling from the trees an the
birds in my pond preparing themselves to nap for a though…”
Maria Fresard


Funny Pond Story #5

“I have two ponds. An upper and degrade pond. The upper pond is fed
by a waterfall gone the source creature the degrade pond (driven by a
pump). The deflate pond is fed by an overflow of the upper pond
that flows underground for approximately 70 feet (12 in drain pipe). Last
summer I rescued some trout fingerlings from a seasonal stream
going teetotal close my dwelling. I put them in the degrade pond. This spring
I was sitting in my kitchen and could look something flopping upon
my water slip. The trout had migrated going on the overflow tube and
were irritating to swim supplement upstream via the water falls. No so
funny but does produce a repercussion the strength of nature. Just a few weeks ago,
Egrets found the pond and the fish.

There is nothing left to migrate at this epoch. Not hence funny but
does an Egret taste anything following a turkey with cooked?”


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