Graphic Design – 5 Funny Requests That Clients Make

As a graphic performer, you might have come across interchange types of clients. Some are colossal, some professional, and some who are truly amusing! It is genuine that handling of clients is an integral allocation of graphic design event, but there are instances as soon as you will position clients who will come going on to you and make the most weird requests!

Different designers react differently to such requests. You might profit severe at the client or you can giggle out deafening! The second is a greater than before choice since it will save you in cheery character!

1. A Corporate Logo Design in Minutes!

I have come across designers who have faced clients who had requested to create a corporate logo design within minutes. I am determined that you quay’t heard anything funnier than this! Do such clients truly have any idea as to what it takes to conceptualize a corporate logo? Moreover, these clients are so smug that they refuse to see marginal note.

My mean is not to make fun of clients, but yet there are such types who depart you dazed! In such scenarios, you have to literally add footnotes to to them that corporate branding is not ordering instant coffee!

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2. Design for Free!

Yes, there are clients who will come taking place by now such droll requests. Such a client will publicize you that their design is too easy, and therefore you are received to design it for forgive! This is severity! Working for a public cause is swing, but in force for a client pardon of cost is difficult than greeting. This is situation guys. There is no area of moving picture here!

3. Designing the Wedding Dress

There are some clients who don’t know the basic difference surrounded by graphic and fashion designing. It was without help a month ago along with I was ardent happening as soon as this prospective client buzzed and asked me to design a wedding dress! I couldn’t acknowledge smiling and hung in the works!

4. Deciding the Colors coarsely Phone!

Colors con a crucial role in any graphic designing project. Decisions have to be taken after cautious thinking and plus implemented. You have to have a word following your clients re the good selection of an apt color plot.

Of late, I was designing a brochure for one of my clients. I asked him what color to ensue. And guess what he said!!! He said, “Let’s manage it more than the phone.” Is it realizable to sit in judgment upon a color more than the phone? Are we graphic artists or magicians?

5. You Are a Pot of Talent!

This is option witty remark that one of my fellow designers heard from his client. This client smartly walked up to him and said, “At first sight, I came to know that you are a pot of faculty.” Without even having considering through his sample do something, how can one be so pardon!

Actually, this client was carried away by the appearance of the designer. His unkempt looks, tattered denims, his stubble, and the long curly hairs made the client think that he (the designer) was a creative one! Of course, this designer is intelligent, but jumping to conclusions such as these might prove dangerous for a design project!


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