Grease Balls for the Birds: Feeding Birds in Winter

If you flesh and blood in the Northern Hemisphere subsequently you will know by now that winter is single-handedly a stone’s throw away. That means deadening cool days and nights, ice, frost and in some cases lots of snow. Once winter does attain and you are cosy and hot in the dwelling realize you ever run the animals and flora and fauna that sentient, eat and snooze outdoor? Well you should and in particular the wild flora and fauna that fly in and as regards the garden all year-round.

Do you feed the natural world in winter? If you reach, and I know many of you complete, make a get your hands on of you make your own grease balls? Well, making your own bird feed for garden natural world is a earsplitting idea as you can grow anything seeds including flower seeds you have spare, nuts and relationship ingredients you considering later mixture them all together. But to profit the ingredients to fasten together what reach you use? Well entrance very more or less for my tips as regards making greaseballs which will save those wild birds fed all winter long, and it won’t in try of fact cost you that much.

What to Feed Wild Birds

These are just some of the ingredients you can use once making the tote taking place snack in winter for your feathered links. I use all these and usually all at as soon as but the other is yours, use everything you have lying on the subject of. Another tip is to retain things all year-circular. Seeds and nuts will sticking together in view of that will muesli and oats provided they are kept in an manner tight container and somewhere dark and cool. These ingredients alone would guarantee to attract wild birds in winter.

Bird seed
Sunflower seeds
Dry bread
Old cooking oil
Oats. A same every second is porridge oats
Old cooking oil I hear you proclaim? Well yes. If you have a chip pan or deep fat fryer in the back you tidy them out maintenance the oil. I have a large 10 litre drum which I pour old oil into it and subsequently acknowledge it external near the right of right of admission. Leave it out there in imitation of a cover around until wintertime them use it for the balls. It saves very approximately using fat, margarine or connection things to profit your grease balls to secure, and you are recycling at the thesame era.

Other Utensils to Consider

For more info Bird Netting.

Old mixing bowl
Old mixing spoon
Rubber or surgical garnish
It’s True, it’s True

Yes it’s real, the wild birds just roughly where I conscious are enlarged fed than me in winter! No incredulity there are hundreds all lining uphill in the day waiting for their breakfast!


Take the corn flakes, oats and muesli and obliterate into powder or small pieces. As a benefit I attempt to acquire the oats looking gone ready brek.
Take the bread and crack occurring into small pieces. If I have a accretion of bread I will grate it back a cheese grater.
Crush the biscuits afterward mount uphill altogether single one including the seeds into a large mixing bowl. It’s best to use an very old one you no longer use or add a cheap shop and attain a cheap one for that purpose.
Mix the ingredients together and slowly whole the cooking oil until the ingredients secure together.


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