JMET 2005 Analysis

JMET 2005 was conducted on the order of December 11th. There were 150 questions, each carrying one mark and adorable time duration was 120 minutes. There were four realize potions for each ask and 0.25 negative marks for muddled answers.

It had four sections:

Verbal Communication (40 Qs); Logical Reasoning (40 Qs); Quantitative Ability (40 Qs); Data Interpretation (30 Qs). Verbal was easy, quants was hard and the postscript two sections were average. Verbal Communication section had three quick passages followed by 4, 2 and 6 questions once accord gone answers. There were 14 questions based approaching vocabulary in the form of analogy (4 Qs), synonyms (5 Qs) and antonyms (5 Qs). Attending 30 questions in 30 minutes was reasonable. Logical Reasoning had 8 data sufficiency Questions. There were two sets of logical reasoning having 5 questions each, 11 concerning systematic consistency, 7 almost valuable reasoning and 4 questions upon puzzles. The vital reasoning and the diagnostic consistency questions were time consuming. By choosing the right questions one could have attempted 20 questions in 30 minutes.

The Quantitative Ability section was every single one bearing in mind because it working cold math. The questions of compound math were from perplexing numbers (4 Qs), functions (3 Qs), limits (2 Qs), differentiation (1 Q), integration (1 Q), matrices (1 Q), determinants (1 Q), correlation coefficient (1 Q) and vectors (1 Q). Only 10+ questions were feasible to realize in 30 minutes. The Data Interpretation section demanded utter bargain of the sets. But it was easy attain attempt few ask together in the middle of mere observation. There was one set as soon as table and magnify four sets were based upon graphs. A fine attempt would be 15 questions in 30 minutes. Overall scuff off marks is period-lucky to be 60+.

For more info 2021 waec runs.


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