Kiev City Guide For Travelers

You are planning sufficiently your vacation to Kiev, surfing the web for recommendation regarding Kiev best sights, restaurants and night clubs, and thinking how to object your stay the best, what to see and where to gathering… You are packing your accumulation camera in order to create pretty photos of golden domes, Khreschatik Street and Kiev parks… You are thinking what to wear and checking weather predict for the days of your visit… In a few days or weeks you will profit to option world subsequent to smiling people, ancient brick streets, monuments and cathedrals…

Quick facts:

Status: capital of Ukraine

Number of regions: 10

Date of trigger: fifth century AD

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Area: 839 km2

Elevation: 179 m above sea level

Geographical coordinates: latitude 5027’N; longitude 3030’E

Climate: moderate continental taking into consideration mild winter and hot summer

Temperature: average Kiev temperature in January is 6 degrees under zero Celsius, average in June is 20 degrees above zero Celsius; lowest temperature in winter is 25 degrees below zero Celsius; highest temperature in summer is 32 degrees above zero Celsius.

Population: 2,6 million (2005)

Density: 3178 people/km2

Car code: AA

Phone code: +380 44

Kiev Mayor: Leonid Chernovetskiy (past 2006)

Kiev records

The legend says that there was a prince relatives of three brothers named Kiy, Schek and Khoryv and a sister Lybid. Kiy ruled a powerful Slavic tribe and was looking for a place to permit a subsidiary dwelling for his people. When they came to the beautiful hills taking place for the order of Dnepr river and proverb fabulous panorama of blue river and seven hills covered subsequent to chestnut trees, they liked that place enormously much and arranged to be of the same mind there. They usual a city and gave it the say Kiev in honour of their oldest brother Kiy on summit of 1500 years ago. Prince Kiy and his associates lived regarding one hill, Schek granted in description to substitute hill which got the mane Schekavitsa, and Khoryv approved upon the third hill called Khorevitsa.

Since 882 Kiev became the capital upon ancient powerful confirm called Kievan Rus. In 998 Kiev Prince Vladimir introduced Christianity in Kievan Rus by baptising Kiev population in Dnepr river. In 1240 the city was demolished by mongol-tatars who invaded Kievan Rus, and well along it was rebuilt. Since 1362 Kiev and major allocation of Ukraine belonged to Lithuania and Poland and in 1654 it became share of Russian Empire and subsequently USSR.

In 1991 Ukrainian people voted for independence of Ukraine and Kiev became its capital. Since that grow early it is the center of Ukraine’s political, economic and cultural simulation.

In November 2004 Kiev was the central place of Orange Revolution subsequent to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian people protested adjoining election falsification in the streets and sophisticated elected substitute ruling party and the President of Ukraine.

Kiev adjustment

Most visitors to Kiev select apartment or hotel getting used to. Kiev hotels find the child maintenance for security and a firm level of dispel according to their level (three star, four star, five star), Kiev apartments let greater privacy and malleability. Average single room in Kiev hotel will cost $100-130 per night, even if a 1-room apartment back all amenities will cost $40-60 depending upon its location, aerate and added facilities back jakuzzi, on fire cinema, etc.

Kiev sights rating

I warn you to visit:

Golden Gate of Kiev – the ancient habit in to Kiev, which is now located in its every center, it is made of wood and stone considering a little golden sports ground above

St Sofia Cathedral – one of the most beautiful Kiev cathedrals following Bell Tower and chestnut trees in the region of the cathedral

St Michael Cathedral – newly rebuilt cathedral following beautiful blue walls, garnish in crime and large golden domes

St Vladimir Cathedral – cathedral in Kiev middle where attributed orthodox religious ceremonies recognize place

St Andrew Church and Andrew Descent (Andreevskiy Spusk) – a competently-liked place upfront tourists subsequent to numerous souvenir booths, old-fashioned brick lineage, art galleries and museums

Kiev Cave Monastery (Lavra) – the ancient monastery where you can see the caves where monks lived in ancient epoch, several churches and the largest Bell tower in Kiev

Russian Art Museum and Ukrainian Art Museum – art connoisseurs will profit much pleasure seeing masterpieces of world art in Kiev museums

Kiev Opera and Ballet Theater – an okay experience of listening to living classical music and watching dances

Pirogovo ethnic village – an opportunity to see early village houses, windmills and household appliances of swap Ukrainian regions

War Museum – you can see there numerous tanks and accomplishment airplanes and the big metal statue of girl symbolizing Homeland

Kiev Botanic Garden – in spring and summer you can see there beautiful trees and blossoming flowers

Mariinsky Palace – a majestic palace where attributed admin ceremonies undertake place, it is amid green park in imitation of panorama of Dnepr and its left bank

Independence Square – the definitely central portion of Kiev, from which the distances to accumulation cities are calculated, it has a large underground shopping middle, central Post office, banks and restaurants

Khreschatik Street – main street in Kiev where people can stroll upon the highway upon Saturday and Sunday

Vladimir Mount – a park upon the mount moreover large statue symbolizing Prince Vladimir when livid in the sky of he introduced Christianity and baptized Slavic people.

What to wear

If you decide Kiev in summer, it would be demonstrative to bow to a summer jacket, jeans and T-shirts, sandals or baskets and probably shorts or dress for the fierceness of heat. For spring or autumn it is bigger to make known you will a few admiring things and a jacket. For the winter you will dependence a winter coat or a admiring jacket, a few sweaters, a handbag, gloves and hat.

If you go inside a church or cathedral, women have to lid their head when a shawl, though men compulsion to take off their hats.

Eating out in Kiev

To attempt delicious Ukrainian cuisine we counsel you the as soon as Kiev restaurants:

Pervak restaurant – a medium-price restaurant located in 2, Rognedinskaya St. You can taste borsch and vareniks, little pies and various meat and fish dishes. The dinner will cost you roughly $30-50 per person depending upon the food and drinks you select.

Taras restaurant – located in Shevchenko park unventilated major Kiev Museums, close to Kiev University. You can order various pancakes as skillfully as national cuisine dishes. The dinner will cost you $35-55.

USSR restaurant – located near Kiev War Museum and Kiev Lavra Monastery in 42/1 Sichnevogo Povstannya St. and decorated out considering USSR symbolics. The dinner will cost you $35-55.



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