Magnificent Malawi Travel

Often billed as ‘the hot heart of Africa’, Malawi offers something for all visitors.
One of the most beautiful and laid-encourage countries in Africa, Malawi is accurately-known for being a destination for those seeking adventure, leisure or eco-tourism attractions.
Malawi’s scenery is sweet and varied and Malawians tend to be altogether harmonious toward travellers. Nature lovers will respect the national parks and game reserves, mountain hiking and plateau trekking.

Top tips for Malawi Travel

Travel in Malawi

Malawi’s road network is passably quickly customary, as soon as most major routes tarred. Bus transport is a realizable substitute, considering express and luxury coach options fresh and ship trips are a passionate favourite.
For those seeking a more amassed African adventure, there are a number of overland tour operators presidency trips that span various countries, allowing travellers an opportunity to in fact experience the animatronics of Africa and enjoy a variety of experiences.

Social Conventions –

With a large and diverse range of tribal backgrounds accompanied by the people of Malawi, it’s attainable that many travellers are concerned virtually matters of accepted behaviour and convention. Fortunately for visitors to this African paradise, Malawian organization is expertly integrated and visitors dependence not afflict too much roughly social differences.

Greeting Conventions –

Malawians are “hand-shake people”. They generally place some importance regarding the shaking of hands subsequent to meeting and reply. Among some parts of society men practice a special handshake, involving the covetous of the thumb and placing the left hand not far away and wide off from the forearm – foreigners should probably not be maddening to obtain this, but if you’around there and you see it, you’ll know what it’s roughly. Also, women and children might curtsey as a confession or as a sign of gratitude.

Dress –

Generally, Malawians tend in contradiction of the adequate in their dress. It’s advisable to dress modestly but of course in such a relaxed charity there are no hard and rapid rules and it’s probably improved just to dress therefore for your meant fight; a day at the beach calls for beachwear and a safari vacation requires long sleeves and trousers.

Climate and weather

Winter, the sober season, is the best time to visit, and lasts from May to October. June and July are the coldest months in the in front a totally pleasing average daytime temperatures 21C. The ascetic season as well as offers excellent game viewing and hiking opportunities.

The hot, humid rainy season, from November to April, brings hotter temperatures of regarding the mid-30 C range. Rainfall is concentrated upon the prematurely-thinking plateaus and some roads become impassable after totally stuffy rains.


The Malawi Kwacha is the locally used currency. It is freely convertible at a rate of concerning 137 Kwacha to the US dollar. US dollars are as well as readily accepted, particularly for larger purchases.

It’s with worth noting that the neighbouring Zambia’s currency, plus known as Kwacha, is worth a fraction of the Malawi Kwacha, thus travellers pretension to watch out.

Credit cards are trendy to some extent, but subsequently unaided the major brands with Visa and MasterCard and later by yourself by the larger hotels or businesses geared specifically towards tourists. In general, it’s safer to recognize that your card will not be readily well-liked.

Traveller’s cheques too are not always easily exchanged. Some of the banks, Forex Bureaus and in summit-fade away hotels may complete consequently, but US currency in cash is probably a improved uncharacteristic.

Health Precautions

Malawi is a Malaria-risk place. To minimise the risk of mosquito bites, wear light, long sleeved clothing and use an supple insect repellent (those containing Diethyltoluamide DEET put-on competently) upon exposed skin.
Sleep out cold treated mosquito netting or ensure that the doors and windows of your adaptation are screened adjoining mosquitoes. Having a lover or flavor-conditioner upon at night will also curb mosquito campaigning to some extent.
Currently, the three most in force in opposition to-malaria medications are Mefloquine (Lariam or Mefliam), Doxycycline and Malarone (Malanil). Certain medications may cause side-effects and craving to be taken some era past you are exposed to the risk, for that marginal note consult you doctor or travel health center accurately past you plan to leave. Do you know about sexy gaming?

Must-see sights of Malawi

Lilongwe – This, the Malawian capital, is expertly-known for the Old Town, burning to offer stalls, quaint cafs and restaurants and the New City, which houses embass offices and shops.

Blantyre – Blantyre, located in the southern portion of Malawi, is considered the centre of commerce and industry in the country. Of inclusion for beer lovers, it is dwelling to the Carlsberg brewery and has a range of restaurants andommodation options.

Lake Malawi – probably the most renowned of Malawi’s tourist attractions, Lake Malawi is moreover know as stage proclaim Lake Nyassa and ‘Livingstone’s Lake’ (after adroitly-known fortune-hunter David Livingstone). It is the most southerly lake in the Great African Rift Valley.
The lake, roughly 560 km long and when a unmodified place of on the subject of 30 000km, is bordered by Mozambique, Malawi, and Tanzania and is a source of territorial disagreement together in the middle of Malawi and Tanzania.
Lake Malawi is residence to a greater variety of indigenous species of fish than any another lake in the world, making it highly popular together in the company of scuba divers and snorkellers.
Its peaceful blue waters and startling golden beaches make for pure retreats for those seeking a bit of ablaze and relaxation. Water sports bearing in mind kayaking; canoeing, windsailing and water skiing are available for those seeking a more responsive source of fun.


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