Making Banana Ice Cream With Your Greenstar Or Champion Juicer

I was amazed the first period I made all-natural banana ice cream considering my GreenStar juicer! Let me accustom.

The GreenStar juicer is a close-commitment twin gear triturating juicer. What that means is that it has two interlocking gears that grind going on fruits and vegetables and extract the juice. Over summit of the gears you place a screen association to allocate the juice totaling through the unit though the pulp gets strained and ejected. However, behind you get concurrence of a GreenStar juicer, it moreover comes taking into account a “blank” appendage to use in area of the screen. You use the blank postscript for making things moreover peanut butter, sorbet, baby food and pate.

Champion juicers have a related concord, the lonely difference sentient thing that on the other hand of twin gears, the Champion juicer has a single auger-style masticating gear.

I was affectionate to slope making banana ice cream. I was told by a friend that the best habit is to accord some ripe bananas, receive them totally out of the peel, place them in a freezer bag and later deaden them for at least 24 hours. They pretentiousness to be out cold sound in order to make the best consistency coming out of the GreenStar.

So, I froze my bananas as described above. After they were knocked out for a day, I took them out and fed them into my GreenStar juicer as soon as the ‘blank” late reflection in place. I was amazed and delighted because what came out had the atmosphere and consistency of soft-foster ice cream! Plus, it tasted wonderful and had absolutely no dairy products, no fat and no add-on sugar. I found that the ice cream tastes totally gorgeous.

For more info Bolo de Fubá cremoso.

I furthermore bookish a recipe for natural chocolate syrup (called ‘black tar”) that uses no chocolate, yet has the see, taste and consistency of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup. I played a trick coarsely my children and filled taking place an vacant Hershey’s bottle subsequent to the natural syrup and they were definitely fooled – they never suspected and commented how satisfying it tasted. It is the whole one-natural and within make a get of to make. Here’s how:

3 cups natural maple syrup (profit the real stuff, not the imitation maple syrup)
2/3 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
1 cup natural carob powder (can be found at most nutrition stores as soon as Whole Foods or EarthFare)
Mix the ingredients in a blender. Pour into a jar or postscript plenty container and refrigerate. Keep it in the refrigerator because it will taint if left out. When you make the banana ice cream, you can pour some of the “black tar” syrup on summit of peak and it is really scrumptious!


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