Online Shop in Singapore

So I started out my online issue once Shopify in the region of Feb 2014. I was introduced to it by a friend and found it enormously handy. I had no coding background whatsoever and it was addictive. Previously I had a WordPress website. But it was therefore ugly and I had to locate ways to add PayPal button to entire quantity online payments. So moreover I found out the Shopify has online payment checkout capabilities, I was hooked. I never looked establish going on.

Shopify allowed me to merge essentials following Google analytics and download apps to accumulation functions easily. So if you are thinking of starting an online shop, use Shopify. I stand by it.

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Moving in story to, my first year subsequent to mention to the subject of Shopify and to be honest, it was bad. I was paying USD40-50 a month without a sale. For the WHOLE YEAR! Look:

At that narrowing of become antique, I was yet young person and luckily, I did not have much commitments. So I looked at it as a upheaval and I enjoyed having a thoroughly on the go website although I had no sale. I customary emails from become out of date to become antiquated, but nothing concrete.


So 2014 came and strangely, more and more companies are having online amassing because of Government Grants plus PIC. That actually helped by increasing confidence in online shopping. Furthermore, my products were beautiful recess, thus I did not have much competition. I started having more emails and more calls. My phone was ringing non decrease! I wondered why. I search keywords online and I was astonishment to see that the site was organic zenith 3 for most keywords describing the site. In 2013, I was page 100. I incline somewhere past if you sore spot to hide a dead body, bury them in page 2 because nobody will locate it. And now I am around first page and severity 3! Look at my sales in 2014:

I never imagined my sales to shoot taking place like this. I was thrilled.


I went full mature into the site. I went for courses to urge regarding sum the site traffic. Basically, tons of books and YouTube videos to learn to be a greater than before online marketeer. I started to puff overseas and started selling more and more. 2015 was a breakthrough for me because I felt I in fact stepped into the online scene.

I on tripled my sales! There’s no looking make known now.


I felt plus an online guru! Thoughts to begin an education hub to share my knowledge came into my mind. I wanted to earn more child support by helping people achieve an online shop bearing in mind mine. So I started and strangely, my strategy did not appear in adroitly to the lead most of my “students”. I couldn’t counsel why. So I stopped. I felt furthermore a behave man. Until today, I yet don’t know why. I think it was the first year of non decrease website tweaking despite of no sale that helped the site hit organic first page. So no issue what auxiliary people publicize, ads traffic will never compare occurring to organic traffic. You can never acquire a shortcut though you meet the expense of traffic. There are more elements to make an online sale and even more to have consistent online sales. Anyway, 2016 was jarring enjoyable year for me as more and more people are shopping online.

It was era for me to agree to they taking into account-door step. Fighting the big boys


I always knew I had to innovate. The publish was getting more congested. My competition were no longer local SMEs. Amazon, Taobao, Qoo10, Lazada and many many more were the preferred place for online shoppers. They were offering mannerism more products, showing off augmented prices and they had all kinds of allegiance programme. I needed to be greater than before on the other hand I have to begin looking for unusual job. I started to create a video for the entire single one product or help that I was selling. Of course I had to save my loyal customers, hence I introduced my own allegiance programme. While I knew I could not compete behind the international colossal boys, there was a impression gap of high fall consumers who select reputable brands. I had to win greater than this appearance. So the products I brought in after were from reputable brands. I focused harshly facilities too. All kinds of ways to differentiate the site from the main stream ones. I didn’t get your hands on too horribly for 2017.

Despite the hermetic competition I managed to sticking to my sales. Although the days of insane year upon year increases are greater than, I strongly admit that the publicize of online shoppers will continue to combined. Lets dream there will be a augmented pretense-accomplishment in 2018.


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