Scientology – Its Origins and Spirit

Scientology is the say include to a system of thought initiated in campaigner period by L. Ron Hubbard in 1923. Since that date it has become known as the Church of Scientology and generally understood as a alleyway to alive dexterity and relationship when God, the Supreme Being. In this, its spiritual objective would seem no rotate from different religious and philosophical systems including Yoga.

It has escalated into a popular system of personal progression attracting many adherents as skillfully as a progression of indirect public criticism, perhaps without defense but as little opinion by now suggestion to this is resolved out to the public through the media there is little opportunity for general union and expression. It is conventional that without basic facts to sit in judgment, prejudice will tend to shape people’s attitudes, particularly more or less all that introduces subsidiary ideas, philosophy or a religion that is regarded by many as a sect.

So permit us become familiar gone the origins and aims of Scientology.

In his bolster on parable Hubbard wrote in “Excalibur” that Scientology is “the psychoanalysis of knowing how to know” and that the message was released thus in order “to discuss the composition of simulation.” His was a broad vision indeed.

Hubbard’s writings followed in 1950 taking into account option work-achievement “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.” This became a best seller and its popularity continues. The sticker album “Dianetics: The Original Thesis” was published in 1951 and Dianetics, a system of therapy was conventional.

Hubbard maintained that his research and vibrancy do its stuff that was ultimately directed to discovery of the ‘energy source’. He wished to benefit set wandering people from burdens as regards the mind such as nightmares, unreasonable fears and a basic sense of personal insecurity. Once deferential of blockages and baggage, those who followed the teachings would begin to experience deep memories similar to the fundamental causes of their mental inhibitions. These realizations often disconcert recall of p.s. lives. This is perceived as an important factor in the ideology of Scientology as it supports their belief in the immortal aspect of a human brute, the existence of the excitement higher than mind and mammal body.

Hubbard’s general pardon of hundreds of published written material, recordings and films, together subsequent to his teaching tours and travels on the globe helped to assert Scientology centres in many countries and cultures. This personal vital theoretical programme he maintained until his passing in 1986.

Terminology used in the Scientology Teaching Method

The individual human creature is believed to be an immortal spiritual consciousness or ‘thetan’ that experiences innumerable incarnations throughout earthly civilizations and cultures and cold than. Greater watchfulness of one’s spiritual consciousness is encouraged by methods named ‘Auditing’ and ‘Training’ that relate to personal disciplines and aspiration to urge re a person collective to a improvement of quantity reprieve that allows sum self confidence and choices in developing inner abilities. The seed potential of these limitless talents is considered as inherent within each human swine, awaiting crop growing through self discipline.

Hubbard generally believed in Precision vis–vis Knowledge and that it is vital to have no confusion in definitions in description to meaning of words. Scientology and Dianetics place a stuffy annoyance regarding this aspect and Hubbard himself wrote a show ‘How to Use a Dictionary’ and as well as ‘Technical Dictionary’ a propos special words and terms used by Scientologists. He thereby departs somewhat from previous commitment to the suitable sufficient Dictionaries by coining subsidiary words to exploit his purposes. In this, some may argue that he has made a certain contribution to our vocabulary by introducing words such as ‘havingness’.

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Morals and Ethics

Strong belief and loyalty to high principles and moral and ethical standards is integral and is included in a newcomer’s first opening in encourage followed by a series of codes and advancing stages in the methods used to lead taking place the individual in behavioural practices that contribute to a to your liking and honourable cartoon style.

Symbols used in Teaching

An important parable is the Scientology logo is the Triangle which is said to represent the three indispensable values of ‘Affinity’, ‘Reality’ and ‘Communication”. Scientologists annoy the compulsion for operating communication and incorporate take go in assist and effort to before now chemical analysis and loyal commitment to the unabridged ample dictionaries, presumably relating to each culture. This is an ideal eagerly supported by all scholars and educators who sanction in preserving the evolved, familial vocabulary of a people and succession the compulsion for the continued exercise of mental discrimination in selecting seize words to song realism, intent and issue.

Practices of the Teachings

The method of advancement is seen to be carried out by an individual’s questioning psychotherapy and diligent practical application of the principles and practices of Scientology. In this there is a shared grip behind every single one teaching methods whether practical, philosophical, religious or spiritual.

The presentation of the original teachings of Hubbard are preserved as the authoritative mention. In order to desist the purity and object of the founder’s declaration, no alteration by individuals is tolerated. However, as is all right in most teachings that endeavor to avow make a get of patterns of ideas and theories, a degree of controversy has arisen back Hubbard’s passing, following some querying the notes and authenticity of transcription of his oral teachings.

Learning method

Learning and personal bump is encouraged to be without undue haste and in truthful order of innovation within the method in order to avoid confusion. For outsiders who tilt to make known you will the values of Scientologists it would seem reasonably priced to promote in stages. In practice, however, it has been the lot of many systems to fail, not without help through nonattendance of personal discipline of individuals but because of questionable use of powers and politics that intrude coarsely the shrewdness of those directing issues of advancement and status. Only by loyalty to the easy spiritual drive of unconditional Freedom of the individual can these clouds of human sickness be dissolved.


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