Tap Water Facts – Chlorine in Drinking Water Makes Chickens Cry “Foul”

Let me ask you a easy ask. Do you know anyone who has ever had a heart bother? You unexpectedly said, “Yes,” didn’t you? Now, regard as brute this, if this was 1908 instead of 2008, you would have said, “No,” just as hastily. This article is the first in a series of articles that will warn why heart illness unaided appeared after 1900 and how you can guard yourself and your intimates from this modern day plague.

Before 1900, heart attacks were fixed unidentified! Think approximately that.

The first medical version of a heart attack, “coronary thrombosis”, was made in 1912.

This protection surprises people. We just endure that heart attacks and strokes have always been major killers. But, they dock’t been. This plague started concerning 100 years ago and is now common to all peoples full of beans in developed nations.

What distorted? The medical community blames the mass of cholesterol in our diets. But, is cholesterol the cause? If it is, later why didn’t Eskimos manufacture atherosclerosis? They consumed huge amounts of fat, saturated fat, from whale blubber, still they never had heart attacks or strokes!

In 1969, Dr. Joseph M. Price made the combat for chlorine as the culprit in a tiny photo album called Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine. (A Jove Book.)

He logical, “…one is obligated to find the possibility of the presence of foreign substances or the presence in abnormally large quantities of instead harmless substances in the body as a cause of sickness (“poisoning”).”

If something is poisoning us, it must enter our systems through the skin, by animated or be something we eat or drink. As diets became “richer”, cholesterol totally fell into that category and was suspect as brute a contributor. However, claiming cholesterol is the cause clashes following the fact that the Eskimos’ all-powerful saturated fat diet led to no atherosclerosis.

Dr. Price theorized the culprit might be chlorine. Chlorine (bleach) was added to the water supplies in the to come 1900s, just by now the heart illness epidemic began, in order to slay water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever. Chlorine is a poison and it was swine distributed to everyone in the cities through the public water systems.

To test his theory, Dr. Price set in the works a controlled experiment using 100 daylight-antique roosters as subjects. The 100 roosters were separated into two groups of 50 each. Each bureau was fed meals of cooked mash incorporation of one-half corn and one-half oat in addition to than nearly five percent low-priced oleomargarine supplementary.

Pure distilled water was used exclusively, however, one-third a teaspoonful of chlorine per quart of water was unmodified to the experimental organization starting at twelve weeks of age.

In his photograph album, Dr. Price says, “The results were nothing rushed of spectacular!” Within three weeks, “the experimental organization became lethargic, huddling in corners except at feeding epoch. Their feathers became frayed and filthy…their antiseptic combs drooping. Meanwhile the control organization was the epitome of on the go health.”

After four months, roosters in the experimental bureau began to die. Ninety five percent of these roosters were found to have grossly visible thick orange plaques of atherosclerosis protruding into the lining of their abdominal aortas (the place where chickens produce atherosclerosis).

These chickens in addition to had an every part of high spontaneous death rate and, in report to psychoanalysis, were found to have greater than before hearts and had hemorrhaged into their lungs. At seven months, the few enduring experimental chickens were sacrificed, when the same findings. One-third of the seemingly healthy control organization was sacrificed at the connected era and not one atypical aorta was found! The remainder of the rule charity was split into two groups and the experiment was repeated. After three months the experiment was finished along together in addition to exactly the same results as forward. For more info 먹튀폴리스 먹튀제보.

In both trials, the chickens receiving the chlorine became diseased and those not receiving the chlorine remained healthy and in force. Dr. Price proved the chlorine in our tap water is the cause of atherosclerosis. How chlorine changes its form to cause our veins and arteries to clog will have to wait for another article.



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