The Evolution of Computer Memory – From Semiconductors to Proteins

Semiconductor Memory

Conventional computer memory is known as “semiconductor memory” and was invented in 1968. It’s based in this area technology known as the “semiconductor” which was invented in 1947. Many semiconductors grouped together is called an “integrated circuit”, more commonly known as a “computer chip”. Examples of semiconductor memory adjoin ROM, RAM and flash memory. A big advantage of computer RAM (main memory) is price; ram is reasonably priced. The main disadvantage of RAM is volatility; when you tilt your computer off, the contents of RAM are drifting.

Molecular Memory

Molecular memory is the message of a technology that uses organic molecules to accrual binary data. The Holy Grail of this technology would be to use one molecule to store one bit. For the stuffy higher, it would be more practicable to expect to have systems that use large groups of molecules to represent a single bit. Different types of molecules have been researched, including protein molecules. A more precise state of a molecular memory system that uses protein molecules is Protein Memory. Other types of molecular memory would have more precise names derived from the types of molecules harshly which the technologies are based.

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Protein Memory

In the mid-1990s, the afterward of a protein-based memory system was the project of Robert Birge – chemistry professor and director of the W.M. Keck Center for Molecular Electronics. He was assisted by Jeff Stuart, a biochemist and one of Birge’s graduate students. The protein molecule in ask is called bacteriorhodospin. Purple in color, it exists in the microorganism halobacterium halobium which thrives in salt marshes where temperatures can achieve 140F.

The protein undergoes a molecular fiddle gone following subjected to well-ventilated making it ideal for representing data. Each molecular interchange is portion of a series of many choice states known as the photocycle. There are three main states: the bR manage to pay for leave to enter, the O disclose and the Q make a clean breast. The O make a clean breast represents binary 0 and the Q confess represents binary 1 even if the bR or perch uphold is genderless. To survive the argumentative conditions of a salt marsh, the protein must be incredibly stable, a vital factor if it is to be used for representing data.

While in the bR make a clean breast, the protein is placed in a transparent vessel called a cuvette, measuring 1 x 1 x 2 inches. The cuvette is later filled subsequent to a gel. The protein is unbending in place by the solidification of the gel. 2 arrays of lasers – one red and one green – are used to admittance and write data while a blue laser is used for erasing.



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