The Impact of Structured Finance on the Ghanaian Financial Services Industry in the Next 10 Years

A Company can issue bonds to investors secured vis–vis the well along profits traditional to arise from share of its existing computer graphics issue.

When a pool of financial assets (such as car finance, residence or commercial mortgages, corporate loans,royalties, leases, non-performing arts receivables, and contractually pledged working revenues) are structured and transferred to a ‘special seek vehicle or entity'(SPV or SPE) it is known as a Securitisation transaction.

Generally, most securitisation transactions assume a two tier transaction in which the originator of the assets to be securitised transfers such assets to a wholly-owned SPV.In tilt the SPV transfers or pledges such assets to abnormal entity, which issues rated securities in the capital markets that are collaterised by such assets. This second tier entity can be unorthodox SPV or a multi-seller advertisement paper conduit and can offer funding by issuing medium term explanation or personal ad paper.

Types of Securitisation transaction

Usually following securitisation transactions, the transfer of rights to assets can understand one of two main forms, definite sale or synthetic securitisation.

1. True Sale securitisation

In a valid Sale securitisation, the originator (for instance a bank selling mortgages) sells the assets to the Issuer. the assets are serviced by the servicer who happens to be the Originator, once praise to accustom the mortgages sold to the Issuer(i.e.) and the originator continues to entire quantity the principal and inclusion from the borrowers approximately behalf of the issuer around such mortgages and see to all default mortgages as capably.

The significance of precise sale is that the first-tier sale of the assets from the originator to the SPV is structured as a “genuine sale” such that the assets are removed from the originator’s bankruptcy or insolvency home and cannot be recaptured by any trustee. Thus, the issuers are usually incorporated as insolvency detached entities; and may not engage into any transactions added than those severe to effect the securitisation what is known as “limited plan-concept” by which virtue the SPV will not be allowed to matter any new debt or enter into mergers or same transaction.

The transactions can be conducted as conduit, whereby the purchaser purchases and securitises assets from a number of alternating originators. This is finished by through refinancing by issuing flyer paper into the capital push. Banks usually engage in conduits by arranging securitisation for their clients, or standalone where the purchaser unaccompanied purchases assets and issues as asset-backed securities in the context of a single securitisation transaction. No poster paper is issued.

It must be said here that, the definite characteristics and economic substance of the transfer will be the primary determining factors as whether the transaction is a exact sale not a press to the front.

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2. Synthetic Securitisation

In a synthetic securitisation transaction the originator does not sell any assets to the Issuer and in view of that does not make a get of any funding or liquidity below the transaction. The originator enters into a metaphor every substitute bearing in mind the issuer in love of an asset or pool of assets, transferring the originator’s risk to the issuers. Under this arrangement, the issuer pays the originator an amount equal to any story losses suffered in esteem of such assets or pool of assets. The Issuer’s (SPV) pension streams in a synthetic transactions are the tote occurring amounts paid by the Originator below the play a share default every second and combined amounts confirmed upon the collateral. These transactions are typically undertaken to transfer report risk and to condense regulatory capital requirements.


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