The Monster in the Toilet – Black Poop

As we all know, our bowel movements, stool, poop, or anything you pick to call it, have many swing ‘types’. Factors such as diet, overall health, foods we eat, and many late accrual reasons contribute to the color of poop. One realizable and rather common color is black.

Most likely at some aspire in our lives, we will be subject to the somewhat vile oddity known as black poop. Before you control to the doctor’s or the nearest medical journal, however, insist that many common factors could be to blame – many of which have no adverse effect vis–vis one’s health. If it becomes a repeated occurrence, however, of course consult your doctor, as it may be something requiring medical attention.

There are many common causes of black poop. Medication and dietary supplements could be to blame. If you are taking iron supplements for an existing medical condition, it is frequently taken in a tall dose that your body finds hard to process enormously. Pepto Bismol and toting up commonly consumed indigestion medications contain bismuth subsalicylate, a substance that can darken stool considerably. Even non-steroidal drugs used as adjacent to-inflammatories such as ibuprofen can cause black poop in some cases. Calcium blocking drugs, anticonvulsants, and narcotic sensitive medications subsequent to hydromorphone, codeine, oxycodone sometimes cause constipation, which as we all know can be a contributing factor in making one’s poop a deeply dark color, frequently appearing re black. When in doubt, check the labels upon any medication or supplements you may be taking, or ask your doctor if something doesn’t see quite right.

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A cause of issue could be from a bleeding peptic ulcer. In such cases, the intestinal tract holds red blood cells long enough for them to be digested and color the stool black. This medical condition is known as melena, and whiles not a medical emergency, every one of warrants an investigation.


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