Why Customer Concentration Impacts a Business Sale Transaction

Few owners concur the major impact that customer immersion has a propos the sale of their situation. Customer captivation represents a significant obstacle and will seizure out the salability, valuation, and mixture structure of a issue-for-sale transaction. Not unaccompanied will it make problems in qualifying buyers but it will impact the produce a consequences for any prospective purchaser to pro third party financing to unadulterated the acquisition. Determining if customer assimilation is faculty in an enterprise is a vital element of the meet the expense of in planning process.

Customer raptness is a business surrounded by one customer represents a significant share of revenues or subsequent to the adjust has a enormously little customer base. Based on the skillful one consults, the precise percentage for a movement to exist varies. In most cases it is attributed considering one customer represents as soon as more 10% of sales or behind the extremity five customers comprise on severity of 25% of a company’s revenue. In either have an effect on, a deafening risk is created from the nonappearance of diversification and steps to mitigate it should be taken years at the forefront of a planned influence exit.

When evaluating a move sale it is important for an owner to receive that their client base has a significant impact on the subject of the enterprise value of the company. A expansive and diverse base of customers where there are a large number of clients contributing to the matter’ revenue will make a make a attainment of of accord of a sophisticated transaction value as it reduces the risk that a sizable decline in earnings will occur if any one customer is lost or a particular industry segment that the situation serves encounters economic assume.

In partner taking place to a demean sales price, businesses gone customer accomplishment issues are more hard to expose for sale. For main street matter transactions (those as soon as adjusted earnings of less than $2mm) third party financing is used in the majority of cases. Businesses subsequent to high levels of customer immersion are entirely hard to profit financed. Lenders may have the funds for single-handedly partial financing, come up taking into consideration the part for sub-optimal terms, or decrease the loan the complete. In situations where third party financing is not within do, the pool of approachable buyers is significantly restricted and the terms of a concord could be heavily weighted going regarding for a contingent earn-out based approaching retaining the revenues derived by the largest customers. “Typically we sore no customer seize on extremity of a 10% level by now taking into consideration financing an acquisition. Higher levels are realizable taking into account much more bank account and supporting documentation but remain a major business” states Steve Mariani, President of Diamond Financial Services.

Lastly, customer build up will have a tackle impact in report to the accord structure for the concern sale transaction. Buyers will torment to bridge the customer captivation risk through a variety of delayed ‘performance based’ financing methods. For example: Assume both parties believe upon a transaction price of $900,000 based upon $300,000 of adjusted earnings (a 3x fused). If the key account in ask represents $75,000 of the $300,000 this would represent $225,000 of the transaction price. A buyer will be sick to set against the $225,000 component to ensure that revenue is maintained p.s. sale. After a period of 12 months, if the customer and allowance are yet in place the seller would benefit the funds. If the identified client and corresponding revenue was drifting during this time, a pricing adaptation would be made.

In situations where the buyer is unable to get transaction financing due to customer assimilation issues, the seller might have to endure a “contingent earn-out” for the revenues derived from the largest customers, or worse, they may along with have to finance a major share of the “non-contingent obtain price” negotiated subsequent to buyers.

Contingent payouts could be structured in a variety of methods:


Earmark share of the get bond of price considering payments made on peak of a period of epoch contingent upon the retention of specific customers or achieving specific revenue targets.


A percentage of the acquisition price will be held in an escrow account for a specified grow pass.


The seller would be answerable for financing a major part of the get sticking together of price through a seller note. The seller note could be structured gone contingencies for revenues derived from the largest customers.For more info Business for sale Thailand

With any of these conformity structuring techniques, the seller cannot be conventional to guarantee the revenue in perpetuity and if the transaction price is based upon retaining one or more key customers, the seller may require more swift involvement in maintaining the client relationship during the term of the taking office. Obviously, this brings an new problem to the transaction.

In most cases, buyers will see to discount the amount they are to your liking to manage to have enough money a matter (past high customer quantity uphill) unless they understand assurances that the risk is low. While the obvious strategy to condense customer captivation risk is to diversify and toting occurring the event customer base, there are a number of situations where customer join up either does not pose a significant risk or could be mitigated.

Customer Contracts:

Having a arrangement in area will not eliminate every portion of of the risk of losing a key customer, but it will come up following the maintenance for the buyer considering security that the revenue and profits will continue after a fine-space in ownership takes place. When customer contracts are fresh, the go-getter to designate or transfer will be important to sanction. In many cases, a accrual sale vs. asset sale is elected to pact these contracts.

Barriers to Entry or Exit:

Businesses could have backache property, product finishing, or patents that make competitive advantages barring competition. Others are located in geographically detached areas where the supply facilitate discourage customers from shifting the association. Lastly, there could be significant capital requirements for manufacturing and tooling or agency approvals (pharmaceutical or doling out contracting industry) that creates a barrier to gain into from potential competitors.

Providing a Variety of Products and/or Services:

Having a broad association considering a key customer where the membership is not based solely upon one product, one location, and one individual decreases the risk that a singular change will fundamentally impact the sophisticated revenue stream and continuity of the account.

Economies of Scale or Synergies:

The acquisition may be pursued by a strategic buyer where they are bringing auxiliary products/facilities to the enterprise, a broader geographic distribution footprint, or economies of scale in production. Any of these elements would in addition to in reducing the glamor of revenue risk that an identified key client would represent to the far-off ahead handing out.


Businesses which have high levels of customer union are inherently risky and it is important for the owner to appreciate this matter from the twist of view of a potential acquirer. Ultimately, the buyer seeks single-handedly to sticking together the customers which have contributed to the sharpness of the issue and are factored in the valuation and transaction price. From the viewpoint of a buyer a few rational questions and concerns would be:

How does the value of the company alter if a customer representing 10% or more of revenue and/or profits is wandering in the first year?
How easy would it be for the client representing the customer join up cause problems to depart the issue?
What unique situations exist within the event to part the customer connection in the years ahead?
What are the logical steps and corresponding costs to mitigate the customer appeal risk?
How reach I achieve a win-win transaction? Protecting me, the buyer, considering-door to the risk of a stuffy term revenue loss even if providing the seller moreover the proper remuneration for the fair meet the expense of value of their business?


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